24| Flutter

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Chapter 24: Flutter (Nathan's POV)

I was going to kiss her. It took everything from every bone in my body to not do it. It's too soon. We're just getting to know each other and... I groaned and locked my bedroom door shut after coming back inside once I walked her home. I fell onto my bed, sighing, and then groaning into my pillow. 

I was staring at the ceiling and then turned my head to look out the window when my eyes landed on the photo sitting on my bookcase. The one Emma pointed out a few days ago of me, Brandon, Chloe, and one of her cousins. I clenched my jaw, feeling anger seething through me. If she never made me do that, I'd never be here. I stood up, stomping over to the photo, and grabbing the frame. I looked down at the photo, fuming. 

"Fucking bitch," I said, throwing it against the wall. The glass from the frame shattered and the shards splattered onto the floor while the photo fell out limply. I sighed, picking up the photo and ripping it up into tiny little pieces, throwing it in the trash and then the frame followed. 

While I was picking up the shards of glass, one cut my hand pretty bad. I groaned, grabbing a worksheet that was on my desk and using that to scoop up the rest and trashing it. I went into the bathroom, washed my hand with some water, and put a bandaid on it. I collapsed onto my bed and forced myself to sleep. Things just can't turn out right for once. 

I woke up the next morning to my alarm for school. I got dressed as I would every day and then grabbed a granola bar to eat. I shoved it in my mouth, holding it between my teeth as I climbed into my car and started driving. I got into my car, turning the keys in the ignition only for the car to rattle and not turn on. "You're kidding," I said to myself, pulling the granola out of my mouth. 

"Hey, strawberry!" I stuck my head out of the window, seeing Emma in her car, her window rolled down. "Need a ride?" she laughed. 

I sighed in relief, getting out of my car and running into hers, taking the passenger seat. "Thank you, you just saved my ass from being late," I chuckled airily, pulling the seatbelt on and putting my bag by my feet. 

"You're welcome," she smiled, starting to drive. She drove surprisingly well. 

"Who taught you how to drive?" I asked as she parked in an empty spot. 

"My dad," she answered. "And Kade," she mumbled. I scrunched up my nose, climbing out of the car. "Why the nose scrunch?" she asked, locking the car and linking her arm with mine as we walked in. 

"That's your ex-boyfriend," I said. 

"So?" she chuckled. 

"So, ew." 

She laughed, shaking her head, stopping at her locker. "Why 'ew?'" she asked, looking at me while grabbing her books. 

"Cause he was dumb enough to let you go," I shrugged, looking around at everyone passing by. 

She was staring at me, I could feel her eyes on me. And she must have gotten distracted because she dropped her textbooks. I chuckled, picking them up and holding them out for her. "Thanks," she smiled. Then her smile fell when her eyes landed on my hand. "What happened to you?" she asked, shoving the textbook in her locker and grabbing my hand, analyzing it. 

"I uh, I dropped a glass," I lied. 

She looked up at me, her eyes locking in with mine. "Dropped it or threw it?" she asked. 

"A little bit of both?" She glared at me, slamming her locker shut and strutting off, heading for class. "Emma, come on," I clicked my tongue, following her. "Emma," I grabbed her arm but she pulled it away. "Emma," I tried again but she just did the same thing. "Emma," I grabbed a hold of her, yanking her back and turning her around to face me. "Don't be mad, please," I said softly, my eyes scanning her face for the smile I wanted to see. 

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