11| Strawberry

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Chapter 11: Strawberry (Emma's POV)

"That was... weird," I said as we walked out. 

"Very," he mumbled. 

"I'll uh, see you at..." 

"The cafe, right, bye," he said, quickly walking the other way. 

"I... okay," I said to myself, watching as he walked away. I shook it off as nothing and went to my locker first where I put away my books and then I took out my keys from my bag and headed to the parking lot. On my way to my car, I saw Kendall standing at the gate talking to Brandon. Light bulb. "Kendall!" I called out, running over to her. "I'm so sorry, I can't drive with you, I have to stop by at home, it's uh... an emergency," I lied. 

"What? What happened?" she questioned. 

"Uh, an emergency?" 

"What emergency?" 

"My period," I shrugged nonchalantly, "Brandon, drive her, please? I'll meet you guys there," I said, quickly running away and slipping into my car. I started the car and drove off. I actually did drive to my house and I circled the block one time before heading to the cafe. 

When I got there, I saw Brandon's car parked but I don't really know what Nathan's car looks like so I have no way of telling if he showed up or not. I walked in and spotted them at a table, talking and studying together. They're actually studying... ew. 

"Hey, guys," I said, sitting beside Kendall. 

"Hey," they said in sync. 

"Is uh, is Nathan here?" I asked. They both looked at me suspiciously. "I need to talk to him about the creative writing contest thing," I lied. 

"He went to the bathroom, he'll be back in a minute," Brandon replied. 

"Okay, cool. What are you guys studying?" I asked, looking into Kendall's notes. 

"Fundamentals of Chemistry," she said. It's like the easier level of chemistry that our school offers just in case you haven't been taking it since the beginning but want to pursue it now. 

"You both take that class?" 

"Yup," Brandon sighed, flipping through the textbook with utter confusion. 

"We both lack science credits and that was our only option left," she explained. 

"Oh," I nodded in understanding, "The easy sciences were taken?" I asked. 

"This is the easy science," Nathan said while sitting down. "I meant like environmental science and stuff like that," I clarified. 

"Those classes are just learning key terms and applying some theories, chemistry isn't that hard, I took it for freshman and sophomore year," he said. 

"Okay, smartass, everyone doesn't understand chemistry," Brandon huffed. 

"Okay, dumbass," he retorted before turning to me, "You wanted to work on the creative writing thing?" 

"Uh, yeah, do you have any ideas?" I asked. 

"No, this was your idea," he replied. 

I rolled my eyes, pulling out a pen and paper, "Okay, then we'll brainstorm." 

"Maybe we should switch seats," Brandon said looking at me. "It'll be easier, you study with him, I'll study with Kendall rather than uh.." He gestured between us. He's not wrong. I was sitting directly opposite Brandon which meant Nathan was sitting diagonal to me. Which made this complicated. 

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