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AN: hey! Just wanted to let you know I want to use neutral pronouns for (y/n), but since I'm not used to them, I might have typos. So if that happens, please let me know, please, I really want to improve ^^

Pd: (_) means your pronouns!!!


That dream again...
I ran to gran my sketchbook before it flies away from my head. A hand, a skinny pale hand, extended over me, like trying to reach me from above.

I closed my eyes to catch something else, but the only thing left was this pain on my chest.

I stood from my bed, closed my sketchbook and pressed against my chest, hugging it. The feeling is so vivid that I feel like touching it.

'Am I dying?'

After a few moments, I decided to start the day. The weather was warm, so I didn't wear my sweater. I did my daily routine and left.

Once at school, I walked to the cafeteria, Frida was at the top of a table, being the center of attention, as always.

"And then I noticed it wasn't him and I felt so stupid" everyone laughed at the story she was telling.

"Oh, Frida, You are so eloquent, I think I love you" Said Diego's clone looking at her.

"Cut it Diego, she is mine" I joked walking close to the table.

"(Y/N)!" She jumped off the table and hugged you. "Let's buy a milkshake, I'm starving"

We left her crowd disappointed and quickly vanished. We bought some cookies and milkshakes to just sit and talk calmly.

"Sowwy I lewft yaw bewhind" she said with the mouth full of cookies.

"Why did you tho?" I wondered.

She swallowed the cookies and smiled.

"I thought you and him were about to kiss"

"W h a T? I barely know him, how could we?" I said trying not to look weird.

"Come on, we are teenagers, I won't judge you if you decide to sleep with someone you barely know"

"But you know I'm not like that" I argued.

"Well, that's kinda true" she said eating more cookies.

The bell rang and we were asked to go to the school's yard to see the dedication of an impassable moat, or something like that, the point is that Cleo left the place, she was crying I guess.

After an hour, the principal announced that we are having the school's president election. The next class, we were all asked to attend to the school's stage.

Oh my gosh.

Abraham and J.F.K were running for school president at the same time. That will be fun.

"Mondays I do abs and legs but no cabs, as you recall I do those with my legs on Wednesday!" J.F.K said.

'What is this?'

"My name is Abraham Lincoln and I'm running for school's president" Abraham said.

He talked about issues I don't really care about, but he sounded way better than J.F.K,

I wasn't listening at all, I just sat there to sketch, trying to remember any single thing I could from my dream, but it was gone.

I placed my pencil on the page anyway and let my hand flow were ever it wanted to go, making random figure, only guided by the pain on my chest that was slowly coming back to me, I had a little flash of the dream, the hand! I tried to focus harder to catch another detail, I slowly remembered something else, but suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder.

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