Chapter 12 - First Day Of Classes

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Third Person POV

2nd September 1991

First Class of the day; Transfigurations. Tilly was up bright and early went with Draco to breakfast then found Hermione and is now sitting in Transfigurations with her. Professor McGonagall had shown the student that she can transform into a cat, due to being an Animagus. She was now sitting on her desk, in cat form, while the class wrote down notes. The only students missing were Harry and Ron. Who were now speeding down the corridors trying to make it class, without getting lost again or being too late. The door swings open, and in comes Harry and Ron, out of breath. Draco turns his head, he's only a desk away from Tilly, but was still annoyed she chose to sit with Hermione and not him. Hermione and Tilly also turn the heads hearing the door open.

"Few we made it. Could you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?" Ron states out of breath, Hermione shakes her head, Tilly giggles, and Draco snorts, all waiting for the Professor to reveal herself. She jumps off the desk and scolds the boy then tells them to sit down. Both sit with saddened expressions, as McGonagall begins to teach.

"Today we'll learn how to turn water to rum. Theoretically, of course." McGonagall explains. "Wands outs and repeat after me, Eye of Rabbit, Harp String Hum, Turn this Water to Rum," McGonagall says with a flick of her wand the water turns to rum. "Now your turn." She had purposely not shown the student the movement. No one could seem to get the spell to work, but one. Tilly. Before she even finishes the spell, her water turns into rum, right before her eyes.

"How did you do that, Tills?" Hermione gasps, drawing more unwanted attention.

"Till did you just. Merlin, you're a good witch." Draco smiles to Tilly happy she's able to show off a little, even if by accident.

"You're quite right, Mr Malfoy Miss Evans is a good witch. Tell me Miss Evans, have you performed this spell before?" McGonagall asks, getting closer and picking up the rum.

"No, Professor," Tilly replies shortly. McGonagall inspects the rum then looks down on the waiting girl.

"Meant me here, when school finishes for the day. I have some questions to ask." The Professor says and gets back to the lesson.

Tilly was fond of the cold, that was mostly because she lives with Severus Snape and he hates the heat. Refuses to go to the beach. This is why Tilly feels so at home in the dungeons and more so in her Father classroom. The students were talking amongst themselves, wait for Snape. Tilly was next to Harry and behind Draco. Tilly is writing notes down, and Harry was daydreaming, both startled by the door slamming open and Snape sauntering in cape flowing behind him. He speaks sternly and harshly Tilly can see why people don't particularly like him.

"There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantation in the class." Snape was now at the front. "As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is Potion Making. However, those select few..." Snape looks directly at Draco and then to Tilly, both smirk. His daughter, so close yet he can't reach her. "Who possess the predisposition" Snape pauses looking next to Tilly seeing Harry Potter writing away, as is Tilly but he pays no attention to that. "I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death.

Seeing Tilly next to Harry, an 'Evans' next to a Potter, brought back to many bad memories for Snape, he snapped. All his pain, suffering and grief he had hide from Tilly, breaking at the sight of her kids beside each other again. Now was the time to apologies even if Harry would have no clue. "Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough, to not pay attention." Snape's voice booms, Tilly bring her head up looking to her Father, he shakes his head no to her, and she goes back to writing. Harry had to be jabbed in the ribs to look up, however.

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