Chapter 15 - Quidditch

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Third Person POV

7th November 1991

Today was Tilly and Harry first Quidditch game, Harry was nervous and couldn't eat while Tilly wasn't allowed to say she was on the team until the last second. No matter what they told Harry wouldn't eat, while Tilly was having a light meal of; muesli with yogurt and an orange juice. Snape then comes up to wish Harry good luck.

"Good luck today, Potter. Then again, after defeating a troll, a quidditch game should be easy. Even if it is against Slytherin. I heard their seeker is quite amazing." Snape looks to Tilly and winks; she stifles a laugh. Tilly had told Snape about Hermione, Ron and Harry knowing they were related. It was more challenging, but Tilly also explained she had told Harry they were brother and sister.

Snape continues to walk to the teachers' table, limping as he goes.

"Tills, who's the seeker for Slytherin?" Ron asks while, Harry watches Snape limp away, Tilly notices this.

"No clue Ron. James, what are you looking at?" Tilly had thought because Harry calls her Lily she should call him James, after their Mum or Dad, as well as their middle names.

"That explains the blood. My guess is that Snape let the Troll in. And went to the third floor but got bitten by the dog. That's why he's limping." Harry glances at the Tilly, trying to read how she took this bit of information. Tilly doesn't say anything, Hermione does.

"why would anyone go near that dog?" Harry says the day him and Hagrid went to Gringotts Hagrid got something out of the vault.

"Hogwarts business."

"So, you're saying that's what the dog is guarding. That's what Snape wants." Tilly knew her Dad wasn't trying to break in, he was one of the one protecting the stone. I have to tell her Father about this, later though can't draw to much suspicion.

"OK James, we can talk about what my Father is planning later we have to go," Tilly answered surprising calm.

Next thing they knew, Hedwig and Duke were flying in with two parcels. Screams from the other side indicate Raven has shown up. Tilly calls her over still scaring many. Hedwig and Duke drop the packages and fly off, Duke goes to Severus dropping the paper and getting a treat in return.

"Hello, Raven. You're sure you want to sit with Draco? It may be very boring."

"No, I'll be fine, plus Malfoy is great to be around." Tilly laughs, Harry shakes his head. Ripping open their packages, two brand new broomsticks. One a Nimbus 2000 and a Nimbus 2001? Those aren't even made yet.

"Guys their Nimbus 2000's," Ron yells exited.

"Um...Mines a 2001. How's that even possible." Tilly asks still confused as to who sent it.

"Do you like my gift? Father helped a bit." Spinning around Tilly see Draco smiling down on her. Everyone knew she was on the team just not what position. Tilly grabs Draco into a hug, squeezing him tight. "I take it you like the broom?"

"I love it, Bubba. Thank you."

"No problem Lass," Draco whispers back. Tilly kisses him on the cheek, much to Harry's displeasure.

"I have to go. Draco remember to take Raven. Harry, I want you ready when I get back. I'm just going to talk to Snape he wishes to see me." Tilly joke, but one of the older students hears and makes a joke.

"Oh, does Daddy what to see you." He mimics, belittling Tilly.

"What's that meant to mean? You guys didn't say anything right." They shake their heads.

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