Chapter 18 - Family Issues

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Third Person POV

28th December 1991

Today Tilly would be going to the Malfoy's she could wait to see Draco. Ever since hers and Harry fight, they hadn't made up, and what he said about Draco, really hurt. It made her question if Draco really liked her or if he only was friends with her because of their parents. Saying goodbye to Severus, Tilly grabs some floo powder and floos over to Malfoy Manner. The flames were dying down as Tilly steps out of the fireplace. Before Tilly can even put her bags down; Draco and tackled her into a hug. Tilly's arms held tight around Draco neck and his around he waist. Tilly's breathing starts to become sharp as the tear crash down her face. Draco can feel his shirt becoming damp and her breathing in his ear.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Concern filling Draco voice.

"You like me, right?" Tilly whispers, pulling back from the hug. Draco raises his hand to her cheek, cupping one side of her face, running his thumb over her cheekbone.

"Lass, you're my best friend, always will be, I love you." Tilly sighs in relief and falls back into Draco's arms. "Why?" Draco whispers.

"Harry and I fought. He said somethings about you, and I got defensive. He then said it didn't matter if I loved you, because you'd never love me." Tilly says shyly. Draco huffs, he would have to have a few words with Potter when they got back.

31st December 1991 – Late at Night

Draco parents were out for a few days, so, Tilly and Draco did everything. They baked, played quidditch, hide and seek, gave each other their Christmas presents. Draco loves his apple tree, and he also got Tilly and beautiful snake bracelet to match the earrings he gave her. It was now New Year's Eve, and Tilly and Draco were sitting by the fire, Tilly lying on Draco chest, his arm wrapped tightly around her waist. Tilly's eyes start to droop.

"You tired, Lass?" Draco asks, squeezing tighter for a second. Tilly hums in response. "You can go to sleep; I don't mind." Draco smiles as Tilly curls her body against him. Tomorrow they would be going back to school, and then Draco could speak with Harry. Over the past few days, Draco's became madder at Harry, no matter what Tilly said, he became angrier. The clock struck midnight; it was now 1st January 1992. Draco could tell Tilly had fallen asleep, by now. Leaning down, pressing a small kiss to the top of her head. "Night Lass." Draco closes his eyes as sleep overtakes him. Taking in the last bit of peace with Tilly before school starts and he has to go back to being the worse version of himself.

4th January 1992

Arriving back at school a few days ago, Tilly was still ignoring Harry, and he was still not budging on apologising. Tilly has managed to keep Draco away from Harry for now, but she doesn't know how much longer she can hold him off. As of Nikolas Flamel; Tilly led Hermione to the book they needed to look in the first day back, but let Hermione take credit as it was her how got the book out weeks ago for some light reading. After finally figuring out what Fluffy was guarding; The Sorcerer's Stone, the four agreed to meet at Hagrid's later that night.

It is now 9:30 pm, and Tilly is having a great deal of trouble to get away from Draco, she knew by then the others would have started to make their way to Hagrid's. She has to get out.

"Draco, I'm going to bed, alright." Tilly stands up from the fire, as Draco yawns.

"Oh, ok. I'll see you in the morning. Night Lass." Draco gets up and walks up to Tilly, kissing her cheek and going up to his dorm. Tilly wastes no time leaving to get to Hagrid's, but Draco left something by the fire and saw her leave and started to follow her. Draco just told himself he was making sure she was ok.

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