Chapter 21 - End of Year

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Third Person POV

28th June 1992 – Last Day of School

The sun streams in onto Tilly's face waking her up, finding she has a splitting headache.

"Hello, Tilly. Don't worry, Harry is fine he left about a week ago. You were given more of a shock from Voldemort then Harry was. Now, as for what happened between you, Harry and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret. So, naturally, the whole school knows." Dumbledore laughs.

"What happened after I blacked out? The Stone? Quirrell? Voldemort?"

"Voldemort escaped. But I do believe you were successful, no?" Tilly nods and begins to explain everything that happens "You proved to be very persuasive. I am surprised to know that he did indeed recruit you to be none other than a spy like your Father." Tilly smiles then think of Severus; he isn't her real Father. She doesn't have his blood.

Dumbledore draws Tilly's attention once more. "I do have one more request; I need you to look after the sorcerer's stone."

"What, why me?"

"You are just as powerful as I am. We share the same wand; the only reason Voldemort asked you to side with him is that he is afraid of you. And with your power, he would most likely win. You are so very valuable. To whichever side you end up on." Dumbledore sighs, noticing Tilly's drop in her mood. "You know about your birth parents. Tilly the reason you and Harry could harm Quirrell and he could not touch you; because of the love, Lily protected you and Harry. Our family isn't the one we are born with...It's the one we make."

"Thank you, Albus. I really need to see my Dad now. I miss him." Dumbledore nods and Tilly rushes out of the hospital wing.

Pushing open the door to the Great Hall; Dumbledore had beaten Tilly there as she went to get changed into some other clothes. Every head turns in Tilly's direction.

"Till!" Draco shouts.

"Tilly!" The rest of the hall screams, happy to knows she ok. Tilly looks up to the teacher's table and sees her Dad, holding back tears. She starts the runs to him and calls out.

"Sev!" Hating not being able to call him Dad

"Till!" Snape stands up and glides over to Tilly. Wrapping his arms around her waist as she buries her face in the crook of his neck. Neither caring what anyone said. "Pumpkin, you're ok!" Snape sighs as tears of joy, anger, and sadness flow down his cheeks.

"Dad!" Tilly holds Severus in the hug as he holds her tighter. "I'm ok."

"Please don't scare me like that again." Tilly goes to speak about her being a spy, but Snape cuts her off. "I know. I know."

Tilly sighs knowing they would have to talk about this later.

"I should go see Harry and Draco, shouldn't I?" Tilly ask as Snape lowers her to the ground. He nods, and she runs off. Harry stands up first, opening his arms wide as Tilly runs into them.

"God. It better not always be like this little sis." Harry whispers

"No promises." He had no idea, Tilly though. "And I'm not that much younger than you," Tilly says slapping the back of Harry's head; the whole hall laughs. Tilly is crushed in hugs from most of the surrounding Gryffindor students. Tilly hugs Hermione and Ron goodbye a makes her way over to the Slytherin table; which has a fuming Draco. Tilly is stopped a few times when other students wanted to congratulate her.

After finally being able to get away from everyone, Tilly arrives in front of Draco.

"Hey." Tilly whispers, the hall is dead quiet waiting for Draco's response.

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