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(Lili is 22 Cole is 26. Lili is three months pregnant with twins.)

Lili's pov:

I am almost 3 months pregnant, 3 months that I'm carrying my babies. I'm so happy to carry two little humans and be a mom.

I was sitting on the couch, writing some poems when Cole came back home for a party.

Cole- Hi my love!

Lili- Hey! So? How was the party?

Cole- Cool! Aren't you tired?

Lili- No I'm good, they are kicking me but it's okay. I don't know if I'm gonna be able to sleep if they don't stop moving and kicking! *laughs*

Cole- Wait.

He came in front of me and sat on the floor. He lifted up my t-shirt and put his hands on my very visible belly. Then, he approached his head.

Cole- Hi my babies. Look, mommy is tired and need to sleep. You know, it's so much efforts to carry you two, but mommy is very very strong. So please, calm down.

When he finished talking, he kissed my belly. I could only be an admirer of such sweetness. Cole is going to be a wonderful dad. He's so sweet with children. I couldn't dream for a better dad for my babies.

Lili- We're going to bed?

Cole- Yeah.

In the middle of the night:

I woke up with horrible stomach cramps.

Lili- Ouch!

I turned around to see if I hadn't woke Cole up on purpose, but no, he was still asleep.
I got up and went to the bathroom. I went to the toilet and I saw blood on my pyjamas. I started panicking and asking myself what is that. Why am I bleeding?! It's not normal! I do what I wanted to do in the toilet and then saw a big blood clot. I started crying and I went to woke Cole up.

Lili- Cole! Cole wake up! Please Cole!

Cole- Lils? What's wrong? Why are you already awake?

Lili- I'm scared Cole... I-I'm bleeding and I'm scared...

Cole- What do you mean you're bleeding?!

Lili- I-I had stomach cramps, I-I went to the toilet and I saw blood... A-And there was a blood clot in the toilet... *cries*

Cole- Okay... We're going to the hospital. Don't worry, everything's gonna be okay babe.

Cole got up and started to get dressed. As for me, I stayed in pyjamas because I couldn't move. My body was trembling and hurting me. I was so scared for my babies. I don't wanna lose them!

A few minutes later, Cole and I were in the car, driving to the hospital.


I was in a room. The doctor placed a monitor on my belly and made several blood tests. The cramps didn't stopped. I was always in pain and always scared.

Then, a doctor entered the room.

Doctor- Mrs Reinhart, Mr Sprouse.

Lili&Cole- Hello...

Doctor- I... Unfortunately, have a bad new...

I started feeling tears in my eyes. I already knew what he was going to say...

Doctor- Mrs Reinhart, I'm sorry to tell you that you had a miscarriage...

Cole- How is it possible?!

Doctor- We don't know. It's something that can happen at every moment. I'm sorry. I leave you two alone.

Then the doctor leaves. I didn't say anything and didn't move. Just like if I had no emotions. Cole, as for him, was crying.

Cole- Lils...

I looked at him, but stayed quite. Then, a few seconds later, I started talking.

Lili- I-I'm so sorry Cole... It's all my fault, I did something wrong. I'm sorry...

Cole- No Lils, the doctor said that it can happen at every moment. It's not your fault babe.

Lili- Of course it is! It's my fault... I killed our babies! Because of me, you'll not have the family you wanted! *cries*

He puts his hands on my cheeks and I looked at him.

Cole- My love, nothing is your fault! I will not be mad at you for having a miscarriage! Maybe we weren't ready to be parents, but maybe we'll be ready in a few months. But I want you to be strong! This is  not going to keep us apart from each other, on the contrary, we are more united than ever. What doesn't kill us, make us more stronger. I will always love you Lils. And we'll have a baby. A little human, running every where in the house who doesn't stop saying "mommy". Okay?

I nodded and kissed him. Cole is everything for me. I need him with me for ever. He was the only person who could calm me down from a panic attack. Sometimes, when I wasn't feeling good, I didn't wanted to see anyone but Cole. He always finds the good words to help me and make me feel good. He understand what I am living with my anxiety. I'm nothing without him. It's because of that, that from the beginning of our relationship, I want him to be the father of my future children. Him and nobody else.

Bughead and Sprousehart One ShotOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant