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After the bumper car ride they walked down the streets that were lined with little shops and food stalls. "Taetae can you buy me that?" Jeongguk asked pointing at a small at a bunny charm in a stall "of course baby. My bunny deserves the world" Taehyung told which made Jeongguk blush.

They reached the stall and if they wanted the charm then they needed to play a game.

"You will be given 6 balls and if 5 balls pass through this hoop you will get 400 points, 4 balls then 300 points and 3 balls and less mean you just wasted your time and money for nothing." This guy widely reminded Tae of Yoongi but he didn't say anything and focused on winning the charm for his baby

1 ball through the hoop, 2 balls, 3, 4, 5 and 6. All the balls went through the hoop earning him 500 points, Jeongguk and the shopkeeper looked impressed. "you can have one more because it is only fair" the shopkeeper told and gave a tiger charm along with the bunny charm. Tae took the tiger charm while gguk took the bunny charm.

"Tae what is your favorite ride?" "i don't have a favorite ride" "that is a lie everyone has a favorite ride and i bet you also have one" Taehyung gulped, his last girlfriend had made fun of him for liking carousel telling him that it was something for kids. So he was scared that Jeongguk would also make fun of him. He looked at Gguk who was pouting with his lip jutted out and cheeks puffy he looked like he was about to cry "ah don't do that. Fine I will tell you, I luv carousel" Jeongguk's eyes lit up at that, he grabbed Taehyung's hand and went to stand in the queue for carousel. He cupped Tae's face and told "you don't need to hesitate to tell it everyone has their own likes and carousel is one of my favorites too" 

Taehyung thought about what he had done to deserve this angel he pecked his cheeks and forehead. It was their turn to enter and Jeongguk sat on a horse behind Taehyung with cherry red cheeks.  The ride started and Jungkook could clearly see how Taehyung hugged the horse, the way his eyes shined, how he shaked his head according to the song and his beautiful boxy smile. Jungkook took out his phone and took a picture. Both of them enjoyed the carousel but gguk's favourite ride was the Ferris wheel. After the ride ended they went to a stall that sold tornado potatoes. "Ggukie you lyk Ferris wheel rite? Let's go there after this" Taehyung told while biting his potato.

"How did you know?" Jeongguk asked kind of shocked. "You were looking at the Ferris wheel from the time we came here so I guessed" Gguk showed his bunny smile and moved closer to Tae.

Taehyung stood frozen as Jeongguk moved closer and closer until his breathe could be felt on the younger's forehead. (Taehyung is taller than Gguk. Like gguk's head is only till tae's shoulder) "Taehyung are you the CEO of Kim Fashions?" Tae nodded a bit hesitant he thought that now gguk knows the truth he will stop being so comfortable and friendly and be respectful nd all, tae dint lyk the thought of it he wanted the younger to be free and comfortable around him. "You are so dumb" jeongguk told and shoved half of the potato inside his mouth. "Dont you think you have seen me before?" Taehyung was shocked at how the younger dint make it awkward and talked the same way itself, a small smile appeared on his lips as he looked at the younger and answered "I have seen you before but I don't remember" "idiot I have modelled for one of your clothes" "I don't remember baby hehehe" Taehyung told childishly and grabbed his hand and went to the Ferris wheel.

They both got inside a cabinet and the wheel started moving. Taehyung pointed at a pigeon outside and told "look a piJeon" and started laughing. Jeongguk tried to give his meanest glare for using his name in a joke but failed and started laughing along with the older who was laughing like an idiot. They took many pictures inside the wheel and when they came out of the amusement park it was dark.

"I wanted to take you to a fancy restaurant" Taehyung told and pouted "issok Taetae i dont lyk all these fancy restaurants and all how bout we go to McDOnalds?" "Roger that" he told and walked to his car with the younger's hand secured in his.

They were in the drive through ordering, tae ordered big Mac meal, gguk ordered the same along with a vanilla ice cream. They got their food and was about to go "tae do you not want ice cream?" "No baby" "but this ice cream is gold" gguk told and took a big part of icecream into his mouth, it was too cold but soon Taehyung pulled Gguk by his collar and kissed him on the lips. Jeongguk gasped as the ice cream started to melt in his hand. Taehyung took this chance and added his tongue to the kiss savoring the ice cream. They pulled back for air with a blushing Gguk and a grinning Tae "That ice cream was not gold it was platinum"

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