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Taehyung, Yoongi, Jeongguk, Yugyeom (gguk's manager) were all seated in the meeting room of Kim Fashions. The last day of the shoot was over. "can i talk privately to Mr.Kim if you don't mind" Jeongguk asked and the rest nodded and left leaving Taehyung and Jeongguk alone. "yes Mr.Jeon how would you like your pay?" Taehyung asked professionally "in kisses and cuddles" Jeongguk answered and got up from his seat and sat on the elder's lap. "you could take a day off and spend it with me. I would like my pay this way Mr.Kim" Taehyung laughed and pecked Jeongguk's cheek "sure baby. how about this saturday?" "okie dokie" They shared a kiss before leaving the office. 

"Hyung" Jeongguk called out coming into the café to see Jin and Jimin occupying a table, he joined them. "ggukie you see hobi hyung is coming back tomorrow" Jimin told and Jeongguk's face lit up and a cute smile adorned his lips but suddenly it fell and he told in monotone "kay" "come on hobi is coming back after long. Something must have come up. You see it is not easy to take care of a company alone and rn he is a father. We will get to see hobi jr." Jin tried to reason but Jimin had a pout "hyung i wont come for your wedding" "then I will poison your food" Jin told sweetly making the 2 gasp."he dint come for mine tho" Jimin told in a smol voice "when is he coming?" Jin asked and jeongguk replied "tomorrow at 5 am" "5? then we must get up early. We should not make him wait for long" Jimin told and Jin scoffed 'and he tells he hates him' 

"boys order something it is time Joon visits" Jin told and went to the counter. Jimin and Jeongguk ordered blueberry cheesecake and Iced water. "so how is lyf with yoongi?" "it is like a dream come true ggukie. I love him so much, the way he smile showing his gums is so adorable and when he scrunches his nose when it comes to something he dislikes makes me want to kiss him forever. He acts all tuff but is a baby inside" Jeongguk smiled, happy that his best friend is now living happily with the love of his life. He wondered how it will be if he lived together with Taehyung. 

The door to the café opened and Namjoon came in with Yoongi. Namjoon went straight to the counter and Yoongi came and kissed the top of Jimin's hair. 


"baby" Namjoon called and Jin couldn't hide the smile that crept onto his face 


"are you free today?" 


"will you go on a date with me?" Namjoon asked and waited for Seokjin's answer 

Jin was happy and surprised that his love asked him out on a date but his face showed nothing while he was screaming internally. Namjoon panicked thinking that Jin was not ready to go on a date with him so he started to tell/ rap.

"issokJinnieyouknowIjustwantedtotakeyououtsinceihavenotspentsometimewithyouandgettoknowyoubetterbuticanunderstandyourchoicesandiwillalwaysrespectitnomatterwhat" (issok Jinnie you know I just wanted to take you out since i have not spent sometime with you and get to know you better but i can understand your choices and i will always respect it no matter what) 

"hey hey hey stop stop I would love to come on a date with you" Jin replied making joon go 50 shades of red "really?" "yes" "great i will pick u up at 6" "kay" Joon quickly pecked Jin on the cheek and went out after waving to everyone on his way showing his dimple smile. 

"im so much in love with him" Jin told looking at the place Namjoon was a minute ago.

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