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Taehyung was outside Jeongguk's house in his Mercedes. After bragging about his bracelet for about a good 45minutes to Namjoon he finally decided to show his ass to the younger. Jeongguk came out looking like a fairy tale prince showing his bunny smile and entered the car, giving a quick peck to Taehyung who awoke from his inner fangirling. Taehyung reached to the back seat a retrieved a bouquet and gave it to the younger. "pretty flowers for pretty boy" Jeongguk mumbled a thanks and took the bouquet to hide his blushing face while Taehyung chuckled at the blushing bunny and drove off. 

After 15 minutes they reached a deserted beach. Taehyung and Jeongguk intervened their fingers and walked to the shore and sat down with their legs in the cold water. "Lay on your back bunny" Taehyung told and they both laid on the sand, the waves hitting their bare foot and the chill air hitting their faces formed a smile on Jeongguk's lips. "if i'm gonna miss the time then i will be hella embarrassed" Taehyung spoke "3..2..1"  

Sparks of red and golden flew threw the air and burst into flowers of light followed by silver and blue, yellow and brown and green and pink. Jeongguk had his mouth open at the beautiful sight and the light was reflected in his does eyes making it shine brighter than it was. Taehyung was enjoying the view of Jeongguk who was awestruck at the anniversary gift. All of a sudden crimson and golden sparks flew into the air and formed the words 'happy 6th month anniversary My Precious Baby' 

"you like the view?" Taehyung asked his lips cant stop itself from curving upwards. "Yea" Jeongguk answered looking into the sky "you are my best view" Jeongguk turned to his side, facing Taehyung with a red face. They both looked at each other's eyes, completely immersed in how beautiful each other was before leaning forward and kissing passionately. The kiss was sweet and beautiful, it was flowed with emotions and how much love they have for each other. Taehyung pulled back and hovered over Jeongguk who was a blushing mess at this point. "I loved it" gguk told showing his thumb up. "well there is more" Taehyung told and looked around even though there was no one. 

He bit his lip while unbuttoning his shirt slowly. Finally Taehyung was half naked with only his pants and Jeongguk had his jaw dropped once again, not because of the elder's body but because of the extra addition that was on his chest. 'Ggukie' was written beautifully in tall and slanting handwriting with black ink along with a heart rate symbol that forms a small heart right after his name. 

"Tae" Jeongguk couldn't complete his words as his eyes was overflowing with salty pearls of water. He pulled Taehyung down and hugged him tightly "I love it. It's beautiful. It really is" Taehyung chuckled at how priceless the reaction was before leaving a kiss on his puffy cheeks. They both got up and Taehyung put on his shirt without doing his buttons and they both walked near the shore, their legs in the water and hands intervened. Taehyung picked Jeongguk up and the sudden action made him drop his shoes which he was catching. They both laughed before Jeongguk screamed "oh my god put me down THIS INSTANT TAEHYUNG" he saw his shoes being washed away further and further into the sea. "get me my shoes" he told sternly "i am going to die" Taehyung answered looking scared, coz this muscle bunny could literally pick him up and throw his into the sea. "then die" the younger giggled before throwing something into the sea. "MY VANS" taehyung screamed and rushed into the water. 

He was half soaked and came back empty hand to find a laughing Jeongguk "oh my god, you were funny out there. Let's keep a funeral for your shoes" "you little-" Taehyung chased after Jeongguk and that is how their 6th month anniversary celebration ended. 


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