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They were standing at the ticket counter and finally it was their turn. They decided to take tickets in turns because they will get the seats together if they does so. And Namjoon and Jin was together. 

"can we have two tickets?" Taehyung asked polietly 

"for romeo and juliet?" 

"no for taehyung and I" Jeongguk told and bit his lip to control his laugh but ended up failing so he his behind Taehyung after apologizing to the worker who seemed to be half laughing and half embarrassed. Taehyung was no different he was trying his best to control his laugh but failed and somehow told the lady that they needed two tickets for the movie 'romeo and juliet' between his laugh. 

They got the tickets and moved so the others could book their tickets. They got inside and each couple got their sears together but was separate from the rest and luckily Taehyung and Jeongguk got the seat at the end of the row. 

The movie started and Taehyung was paying no attention to the movie but to the cute boy sitting next to him biting his lips in anticipation of what was going to happen next in the movie. He wanted to kiss him so bad and the feeling of being inside the younger was unexplainable, it feels lyk being in heaven, a heaven in which only Taehyung is allowed. The sweet moans coming from the boy felt lyk music and Taehyung loved that sound after the younger's giggles. It's scary how all his favorite things currently is based on the younger, lyk his favorite place is being with the younger or in his arms, favorite hobby is cuddling with the bunny and binging, favorite sweet is the younger's lips and favorite sin he likes to commit is Jeongguk's body. I t was all addicting and he couldn't help himself from being addicted to it.

Taehyung placed his hand on Jeongguk's hand and intervened their fingers. Gguk looked at their hands and blushed a little but what taehyung told next made him blush x10 "isn't it crazy how i get to see this boring movie while paying and this beautiful art in front of me for free" "tae watch the movie" "it's boring" "no it isn't" "yes it is both boring and dumb" "they are showing one of the most famous love story in the world" gguk tried to reason "i don't understand how this shit is famous, they loved each other and died in the end" "you are right" Jeongguk told and pulled the elder by his collar and closed the gap between them with his lips. 

Taehyung bit Jeongguk's lower lip asking for permission which was happily granted by the younger. Taehyung explored the younger's mouth and pulled him onto his lap. They pulled back and gguk moved back to his seat which left a pouting taehyung because he expected them to do something "but i want to watch it because i luv Leonardo" gguk told and fixed his eyes in the screen ignoring the existence of the elder until the movie was over because he was trying his best to close the younger's eyes whenever the hero was showed in the screen. 

After the movie they all came out, Jin crying into Namjoon's chest while the latter was comforting him, Jimin had puffy, red eyes that was being kissed by his whipped boyfriend Yoongi and Jeongguk being carried by Taehyung because he slept halfway. 

"where to next?" Namjoon asked still holding onto Jin, giving his chest to cry onto

"Beach" Jimin told opening his eyes and giving a quick peck on Yoongi's lips who blushed profusely. They reached the beach in 5minutes as it was close. Gguk had gotten up by then and was teased by chim by telling he had dreams of Leonardo while sleeping which clearly irritated a certain CEO and what made him clench his jaws was that Jeongguk was blushing hard. 

Taehyung was avoiding the bunny boy and was enjoying his time on the beach without getting in the water. Soon Jeongguk had enough of trying to start a conversation with the elder and getting ignored so he pushed the elder into the water. Taehyung emerged out of the water, pushing his wet hair back looking hot as ever and anger evident in his eyes. 'oh shit' Jeongguk thought as he started running but luck was not on his side as he was lifted in the air and thrown on one of Taehyung's shoulder, receiving a spank on his ass. "being a bad boy?" "no, y r you avoiding me?" Jeongguk asked as he pouted "had fun dreaming about him?" "who? Leonardo? omg Taehyung chim was teasing me because once I called his name in my sleep, and that too when I was in college. He is still making fun of me for that" Jeongguk laughed. "so you dint dream bout him?" Taehyung asked confused 

"not bout him but about a CEO who is dumb but hot at the same time. His name be Taehyung and the way he pushes his cock in me feels so good, his long, slender fingers and big hands make feel things. The way he abuses my prostate send me to another world is fucking unbelievable" Jeongguk smirked and moaned to tease the elder. 

"oh baby you are gonna regret doing it" Taehyung groaned and threw the younger into the water and looked down to his member standing up proudly "naughty bunny" 

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