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Six Months 

It has been six months since Taehyung and Jeongguk had started dating. They are taking baby steps towards their relationship- late night calls, fancy dinners, few romantic dates because of their busy schedules, cuddling and binging on weekends, love bites and hot make out sessions. Taehyung always found time for his baby and vice versa. Everything was perfect. 

Right now Jeongguk was sitting inside a hotel room watching his best friend get dressed by two or three professionals. After a few minutes the two soulmates were left alone in the room. "so how do I look?" Jimin asked turning to face gguk. 

Jimin looked dashing in black tie, white button up, black tuxedo and polished black heeled shoes. His fluffy hair was parted and combed neatly, the silver hoops looked graceful in his ears and a light amount of cherry pink lip gloss was applied which made him look ridiculously attractive. 

Of course he had to get dressed like this, he was getting married to the love of his life, Yoongi, whom he had dated for an year

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Of course he had to get dressed like this, he was getting married to the love of his life, Yoongi, whom he had dated for an year. "dashing as always" Jeongguk replied, biting back his tears. Seeing his best friend almost break down Jimin rushed to his side and wrapped his small arms around the younger, tears threating to spill. "nothing is going to be the same isn't it?" Jeongguk asked hugging his friend back. "everything is going to be a bit more better and beautiful. And obviously we are going to remain the same, maybe a bit more crazier if possible" Chim chuckled remembering the days him and the younger used to prank teachers and principals with fake guns and water balloons. Jeongguk laughed through his tears and wiped the tears falling from Jimin's eyes and the latter did the same. 

Jimin stuck out his pinky finger and gguk did the same, then they crossed their pinkies "i promise to still make fun of you for your short height and baby hands jimin ssi" Chim glared at him a minute before telling his promise with a smirk "i promise to still make fun of you for your pikachu onesie and banana milk addiction right in front of taehyung" "oh hell naw shorty" Jeongguk told with a dramatic gasp. They both laughed at they their foolishness and Jeongguk stood up and dramatically coughed for the attention of the elder. 

"ahem ahem Park Jimin your one and only friend forever and I mean FOREVER is gonna present you a gift for your wedding and make sure you are going to keep this with you even if you are on your deathbed because me and tae worked our asses off finding matching pairs" Jeongguk told and gave him a beautiful blue box. Jimin dropped his jaw when he opened the box, it contained a bracelet with blue sapphires and diamonds arranged alternatively. 

"oh my god

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"oh my god. This is beautiful ggukie" Jimin yelled and hugged the younger tightly. Jeongguk chuckled and wiped the small pearls of water falling from the elder's eyes "don't ruin your makeup. you don't want yoongi to run from the wedding do you?" "yah" After gguk helped chim wear the bracelet they went out towards the wedding hall.

 you don't want yoongi to run from the wedding do you?" "yah" After gguk helped chim wear the bracelet they went out towards the wedding hall

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Jimin's parents walked him down the aisle towards Yoongi who was already there, now looking at him with heart eyes. Jimin's breath hitched as he saw the elder smiling at him with his hair falling onto his face, dressed in suit and had a similar bracelet in his hand. 

Jimin smiled back making his eyes disappear, one of Yoongi's most favorite things

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Jimin smiled back making his eyes disappear, one of Yoongi's most favorite things. The priest began talking after patiently waiting for both the grooms. 

Jeongguk stood beside Taehyung while Jin near Namjoon. 

"Min Yoongi do you take Park Jimin to be your wedded husband, to live together in marriage? do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him, for as long as you both shall live?" 

"I do" 

"Park Jimin do you take Min Yoongi to be your wedded husband, to live together in marriage? do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him, for as long as you both shall live?" 

"I do" 

"you may now kiss the groom" 

Yoongi and Jimin turned to face each other, blush adorning both their cheeks as they leaned forward and kissed erupting clapping and screams from the crowd, especially from the four males standing in the front row with tears filled in their eyes. 

"we are next you see" Taehyung told to Jeongguk who was clapping and wiping the unstoppable tears in his eyes 

"for?" the younger asked playfully smiling between his tears 

"the marriage obviously" 

"confident much?" 

"yea. I only want the best for you and I am the best for you. Kim Jeongguk sounds better than Jeon" 

"shut up" the younger whined, hiding his face into the crook of the elder's neck who cooed at the cuteness and kissed the head of the blushing bunny. 

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