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Zhc just got here. I let them in and gave all three of them a hug. What do you need, Zack said. So I have a task for you, I said. What kind of task, Leo said. I need you to write the name Penelope in gold on everything but the desk needs to match everything else first, I said. WE can do that, Leo said. It has to be done by tonight, I said. That can be accomplished, Michelle said. Then they took the stuff I had for them and left. As I walked into the living room my phone went off. I sat down and opened up the notification. It was the group chat. 

Bryce- Hey I want my girl back 

Anthony- Please keep her longer

Jaden- When will I get my girlfriend back

Josh- Just warning you she is a handful

Griffin- I wish I had one

Noah- Take care of her or we will have problems

Me- No if you don’t treat her like the queen she is then we will have problems

Chase- that’s the first time I’ve heard Dixie get called a queen normally Charli holds that title

Me- And for that sir you will get your girl back in three days

Chase- Wow that’s cold

Me- no it is just the way of life and ttyl

After I left the group chat I called the girls downstairs. As I heard everyone running I got up. Ow, Penelope screamed. I ran upstairs and saw P holding her ankle. I carried her downstairs and checked to see what was wrong. You’re ok you just twisted it, I said. What did you need to tell us, Charli said. So Mads and Dixie can go back to their boyfriends whenever they want, I said. What about us, Nessa said. Well Charli has to stay with me for three days to teach Chase a lesson, I’m now holding Avani hostage and Nessa you can go home tomorrow morning, I said. Why do Dixie and Mads get to leave whenever, Charli said. Because their boyfriends showed that they cared, I said. Wait what did Bryce say, Addison said. He said and I quote “Hey I want my girl back”, I said. Then what happened, Dixie said. That I will tell you later but everyone out to the car, I said. We all walked out to the car and got in. 

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