Chapter 1: How to get away from the Moon, flying, teleporting, spaceship?

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Chapter 1: How to get away from the Moon, flying, teleporting, spaceship?

The earth's moon, the last frontier, a place where few men and women have set foot.

"After the first 5 minutes, this place gets boring. Seeing the beauty of the planet is great, but a landscape is a landscape, its beauty is fleeting." With these words I looked around for the tenth time.

As for the last nine times I have found rocks, dust and other farms, nothing of interest to me.

The moon is boring, devoid of life or color, besides a thousand shades of gray.

The place is so monotonous that I started doing physical exercises not to get bored, 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and 10km runs.

One Punch-Man made it sound more interesting, but it works to fill free time.

Maybe someone wonders how I can do physical exercises and sports when the gravity of the moon is less than that of the Earth and each step should become a huge leap and stuff.

The answer is the advantage 《Mutation Cognition 》and the higher power 《Perpetuity 》.

XXX Information on Powers XXX

《Mutation Cognition 》

[Powers manifest when their users intend to use them, but for you your powers are linked to your subconscious mind.

Your power looks into your unconscious mind and does exactly what you would like if you thought about it, essentially working on autopilot.

If you have the ability to heal your wounds, your wounds will automatically heal, as if you wanted them to.

If you have the ability to teleport, you will automatically teleport away from danger if your reflexes aren't quick enough to react.

When you are on this autopilot, your powers function instantly and correctly, even without your conscious awareness.]

《Perpetuity 》

[Your body has the properties of a black hole, which allows you to control your mass and gravity, as well as affect the flow of time near you, but you have to consume matter or energy to no longer have to consume anything to sustain the your power, entropy has no hold on you. You are now immortal.]

XXX Return to history XXX

The subconscious of my mind is passively ordering my power 《Perpetuity 》to solve the problem of gravity, creating an invisible sphere around me where the gravity of the moon becomes equal to that of the earth.

And I took 《Perpetuity 》for immortality and destructive power, problems of going to planets with higher or lower gravity were solved without my noticing.

"Power over gravity or not, 12 hours of pure boredom and loneliness is too much for my taste. I've been on the moon for twelve hours, and I feel like dying.

Ridley Scott's The Martian and the science fiction novel The Man from Mars published by US author Andy Weir; they don't joke about the difficulties of surviving on a desert planet alone. "I muttered, returning to the moon base, my secret base, my superhero lair, my batcave.


The lunar base, Artemis-7, is an international research facility, its creation was motivated by the appearance of the first two Endbringers, here they were supposed to build the first lunar city and lay the foundations for a low migration to the stars.

It might have worked if it weren't for the "cute little angel" flying over into orbit, she killing any idea of spaceships and leaving Earth for her.

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