Chapter 2 | Join the troupe

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"So this is the girl? Feitan was intrigued by your strong bloodlust. He thinks you might be useful to us. What's your name?" said a man with a coat. His hair was black, and slicked back. He had a mark on his forehead, yet I couldn't see from afar.

"I'm y/n" I said, slightly loud.

"What's your nen ability?" I turned around to locate the voice. It came from a boy with blond hair. He looked joyful as he smiled a bit. He looked down to a little device he had in his hand.

"Well.. it's hard to explain" I said. "I can try to show you". I noticed everyone had their eyes on me. I closed my eyes, and thought of my weapon. 3 pink blades appeared behind my back. I looked to the wall, and pointed at it. As I did, the 3 blades charged to where I pointed to. It destroyed a huge hole in the wall.

"So it appears you can conjure up blades that explode once it reaches contact with something, am I right?" the blond boy said looking at me. I gave a small smile and said "yeah.. something like that".

"How would you like to join our troupe?" said the man with slicked back hair.

"Who are all of you..?" I asked. Feitan charged towards me and threatened me with his knife. "Answer his question."

"Feitan, stop." said nobunaga.

"I'm chrollo lucilfer" said the man with slick back hair. He pointed to each member saying their names, "that's franklin." he pointed to a large man. He looked like Frankenstein. "That's Pakunoda, and Phinks" he pointed to two blonds, a woman and a man. The womans hair was short, but she was tall. Phinks, the other blond, was also tall. He seemed to be missing his eyebrows, but I didn't take much out of it.

"I'm uvogin" said a large muscular man. His hair was messy, but he looked like he'd put up with a good fight.

"I'm Shizuku" said a girl with black hair and glasses. "You're very pretty." I said looking towards her. "Thank you." she responded.

"I'm shalnark" said the 3rd blonde with the small device.

"Now, would you like to join the Phantom Troupe?" Feitan said, smirking assuming I would be feared.

"The phantom troupe? I've heard so much about you. Does that mean we kill?" I said, somewhat excitedly.

Feitan, confused and stuttering a bit with my confidence, "Y- yes. We kill and steal."

"Alright, bet!" I said jumping up, forgetting about my cut leg. I fell to the ground and held onto my leg. Machi walked over to me, somehow fixing my leg. I used gyo to see what she was doing. She had kneedles that were pulling my skin together, fixing my injuries.

"Thank you" I looked at her. She got up and walked back to where she was sitting.

"Now. We have things to do. Yorknew auction is tomorrow. We'll all be attending within groups. Y/n, Feitan, and Franklin will be announcing and killing." Chrollo said.

"Why does y/n have to be with us? Can't she go somewhere else" said feitan.

"Not very nice", I glared at him, conjuring my blades.

"Shalnark, phinks, and nobunaga will go steal the action goods" Chrollo continued.

"What about me boss?" Uvo said, preparing himself.

"You and Paku will kill anyone in the way. Shizuku will clean up the bodies. The rest will wait here until further notice.

"Well, I guess we can get rest for now." Shizuku said, walking out.

"What about me..?" I asked.

"Y/n, you need to get your tattoo, your number will be 14. Go with feitan to get your tattoo, then you can find an empty room to rest in." Chrollo said, closing his book.

I followed feitan to where he'd do my tattoo. Once he finished, I looked at the mirror.

"Why on your leg?" he asked.

"No reason." I said smirking.

He shrugged and walked out of the room.


A/n: Sorry it's a bit short, but there will be more to it later on.

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