Chapter 20 | Meet Amelia

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A/n: WOOHOO 20 chapters in. *wipes sweat*


"Everyone, meet Amelia!" I said, holding out the cat. Shizuku came in again and began to pet her.

"Where'd you find the scum?" Phinks said, wishing he'd gotten attention like that.

Amelia heard and took offense. She hopped out of my arms and walked towards him. Phinks jumped a little as she growled. "take that BACK.", Amelia yelled.

"He can't hear you." Feitan said, looking at Amelia.

"R-right.." Amelia said, backing down.

"Hear her? Cats don't talk" Phinks said.

"Hmm..", Shalnark said, researching as he pulled out a computer.

"Where'd you get that..?" I questioned.

"Eh, had it for a while.", he responded, "So, there's a special type of cat, very rare to come across. If you use nen and touch the cat you ask it a question then you can hear as long as they respond to you. These type of cats are guardians and fight well on their own. They take on whomever they're guarding's nen ability and create it as their own as well. So, if Amelia is Feitan or y/n's guardian, the cat can either have the ability Pain Packer or Nen blades."

Shalnark looked at Amelia, and walked up to her. He used his nen and rubbed behind her ear, "Who's guardian are you?" he asked in a calm voice.

"Y/n." Amelia responded. She conjured a nen blade and showed it to Shalnark.

"May I grab one of your blades?" Shalnark asked. Amelia nodded and he grabbed it. He examined it, and gasped.

"This is just like yours, y/n." Shalnark said.

"So, you're shalbiologist now aren't you?" I said smirking.

"It would be Zoology, just so you know, and no. I only was curious about Amelia." Shalnark said, going to sit back down.

Phinks used his nen and touched Amelia, "Y/n is an idiot and doesn't know anything, isn't she?" 

"As her guardian, it would be rude of me to agree.. but I agree." Amelia said, giggling.

"A-ME-LIA!!" I yelled at her, "Not nice!" I pouted.

"So, the cat can really talk." Phinks said.

The rest of the troupe used their nen and continued to ask Amelia random questions.

Machi walked up to her and asked her a question that left Amelia in shock.

"So, Amelia, where do you come from?" Machi asked.

"I- uhm.. I wish I knew.." Amelia said, a little sad like. I picked her up and petted her.

"It's alright, Amelia. We're your new family, now!" I said, smiling.

"So, do I ever get to talk to the cat?" A voice from behind me said. I turned around and jumped.

"Oh, Hisoka. Hell no.", I said, putting Amelia down, "I'll keep Amelia safe and out of perverted hands like you!"

"But everyone else gets to play" he pouted.

"Yeah, because they're not perverted freaks." I said, folding my arms.

Hisoka pointed to someone behind me. It was Phinks. He was drooling at his sight from behind me.

"REALLY PHINKS? REALLY?" I said. I was about to throw a nen blade but Amelia beat me to it. She sat and licked her paw as if she did something amazing.

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