Chapter 21 | Beach day 1

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"GUYSSSSSSSS WE'RE GOING TO THE BEACH" I yelled excitedly running through the halls knocking on everyone's door. We had all gone to a hotel near the beach, and it was finally the day we could actually go.

Just a few days before, Shizuku and Machi and I had gone shopping together to find the perfect swim suit. Shizuku and I chose a few cute 2 pieces while Machi went with a one piece.

"Y/N. STOPP MAKING NOISE. It's only 9AM!" I heard Nobunaga yell out.

I went to his door and heard him talking to himself. "*huff* where the hell is Feitan. He should be keeping her quiet.. No. he'd keep her moaning louder than she talks." I accidentally made a noise outside giggling and Nobunaga heard.

He opened the door, "Y/N GO TO YOUR ROOM" he said. He grabbed my arm and dragged me back to where Feitan was. "Feitan. Watch over your damn girlfriend, we're all trying to get some sleep here!"

"Sorry. I was sleeping" Feitan said. He hugged me from behind and kissed my neck.

"Ugh, get a room" Nobunaga yelled out, stomping back to his room.

"Y/n were you being a bad girl? Do I need to punish you?" Feitan asked seductively.

I smiled and walked back into the room. I looked through the bags and found my swim suit.

"You guys went shopping for one swim suit. What's in the other bags?" Feitan said, wondering where 7 other bags came from.

"Well.. this bag here has some lotion and skin care, and some sun block. The second bag has a few cute shoes I found. This third bag has really really fragile heels, don't touch those. The fourth bag has some clothes from this hot topic store we went by.." I continued and Feitan sweat dropped.

"Okay.. you can stop there.." Feitan said, turning around, "Am I glad I'm not a girl.." he continued and scratched the back of his head.

I went to the bathroom and put on my 2 piece swim suit. I walked out and questioned Feitan, "What do you think? Do I look okay..?"

Feitan pinned me to the ground and sucked my neck a little. "F-feitan.. what are you doing-?"

He left a few hickeys on my neck and chest. I looked at the mirror and freaked. "Feiii! This is embarrassing, everyone'll make fun of me."

"You're not going out looking sexy. Guys will see."

"B-but Feii." I whined putting on a t-shirt.

Feitan put on some shorts and took off his shirt. He walked out the room waiting for the others as I was drooling following him.

Everyone else was ready and we all walked to the beach.

We set our stuff on the sand and I pulled out a blanket for me and Fei. I placed a few rocks so it wouldn't fly away.

The guys, Phinks, Nobunaga, Franklin, Shalnark, and Feitan had already gotten into the water. (I don't picture Franklin without a shirt nor do I want to..)

I took off my shirt which revealed the hickeys I had forgotten about.

"Y/nnn." Shizuku whistled, "did feitan make these?"

"Lookin better than ever." Machi teased and I blushed.

I gave Machi and Shizuku some sunscreen and we all ran to the water. It was cold, but it felt good as I got used to it.

Someone had thrown water on my back and I shrieked, "OH MY GOD, THAT'S COLD-" I said turning around to see the culprit. Machi and Shizuku both pointed at each other.

I threw water onto them both and they both also freaked out. We were playing in the water as the guys were swimming far out into the ocean.

I felt arms wrap around me and dragged me under the water. I turned around to see Shalnark.

He waved at me innocently and he went above the surface. That gives me an idea I thought as I came up for air.

I located the rest of the guys. I saw Phinks  looking the other direction. I put a finger in front of my lips telling the others to keep quiet.

I went under the water and brushed past his legs. I quickly swam to a further area to come for air.

"G-guyss.. did you feel that?" Phinks said, starting to freak out. Feitan and Franklin had played along with the joke.

"What was that?" Feitan said, trying to keep a straight face.

I went back down and scratched his legs with my nails, making it look and feel like a fish bite.

"AHHH. SHARK" Phinks said, running out of the water. I came back up and started laughing. Feitan and Franklin were also laughing.

"Y/N. WAS THAT YOU?" Phinks said, trying to attack me. I tried to swim away but had caught me on time.

We were drifting further out to the ocean.. well.. I was. I turned around and saw Phinks with the other guys and the girls still playing with the water.

There was a huge wave that came over me, and brought me under water. I tried to come up and get air, but no matter how hard I tried, I failed.

My body failed me. I couldn't move, nor breathe. Is this the end..?

As I was about to black out, I used a little more energy to see who was swimming down.. Unsuccessfully, I had passed out.

- Shals POV -

I was swimming down to reach her body before the sea water had completely taken over her. I reached out and grabbed her body. I pulled her into a kiss, also giving her some of the air I had.

She opened her eyes a little and I smiled. I was going up to the surface and I felt her grip around me tightly.

She looked into my eyes, and kissed me. I saw her blush with all sorts of shades of red. I blushed a little too and enjoyed the kiss. I let out of the kiss so I could focus on reaching the surface.

- y/n's POV -

Shalnark.. Shalnark's saved me..? Wh- where's Feitan.. Wait.. Shalnark kissed me.. No- I kissed SHALNARK.

I began to squirm out of his grasp to go my own way, but he wouldn't let go. We reached the surface and I was finally able to breathe.

"F- *gasp* FEITAN *gasp*" I yelled out looking for Fei. I saw him head this direction. Shalnark had let go of me and Feitan grabbed onto me.

"Y/n, are you okay?? What happened??" Feitan questioned.

"I- I don't know.. All I remember was a wave crashing over bringing me under, t-then Shalnark saves me-" I said, trying to forget the kissing part.

Shalnark moved back to the others, and Feitan hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you" Feitan said, I can tell he was trying hard for his voice not to crack up a little.

"I want to get out of the water" I said trying to swim out. Feitan swam besides me the whole way out and sat with me on the towel. I started to shiver a bit and he wrapped the towel around me.

He kissed me and hugged me again.


A/n: I swearrr y/n is suchhh a crybaby! >:(

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