42. Tour?

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How was your last day at work? Did they like the homemade brownies?😉

There wasn't even a crumble left🤣 They might hire me just for them🥴️

I actually felt really sad leaving, it's been so fun working there😔

But they said I'm welcomed back to do my master thesis with them so I have a chance to return at least (':

Sounds like you did a good job then😁

But I'm 99% convinced it's the brownies

I haven't tried your baking but I would almost bet my kidneys that they're amazing

You're definitely going to try my brownies one day🥰

Duh ofc I am😍

Btw, guess what?

You're having a comeback?!

pffft we wish

We're going on a tour


Yep. Or most likely, at least. It's been in the talks for a month now and today it's set. We'll officially announce it next month so consider yourself lucky to know this early😉

Ayeee that's awesome!🤩

Trust me I'm jealous of myself🥴

You don't happen to swing by Sweden do you?🥺

We actually have several shows in Europe, so..

I wanted to ask if you'd come

I have to check my schedule when that is out. I really can't tell right now😓

But I really hope I can come.. It would be a dream come true to see you in concert (':

And meet you too ofc🥺🥺

I think we'll be in Europe in December

Even if it's just for one day.. I want you to be there

I want to see you so bad

Me too

I'll see what I can do (':

♫   ♫   ♫

I forgot to mention this in the previous chapter but the CEO of TShit actually died suddenly in April 2018 and the cause is still not known to the public. B.A.P had consistent comebacks right up until that point and I'm pretty sure we would've gotten at least one last, proper comeback before Yongguk's contract ended in August 2018 if that hadn't happened. This thought makes me sad every time I think about it. They really deserved so much better😔

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