vii. dead

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seeing someone you thought was dead two ish years ago really does something to you. like throwing up again for the fifth time that day. after that was done jem was telling me how i "have to stop doing that" Brian was still asleep, god. it feels weird to say his name again. jem said she was going to go get m & ms from the vending machine and something to drink so i can throw up something except juice.  The beeping from the machine almost lulled me to sleep with how long jem was taking. my eyes were closed cause i didnt want to look at him. 
Dying three times doesnt seem like fun.

Beep. if Brian's alive does that mean Jay could too?
Beep. What if Alex is alive too?
Beep. Or Amy, Sarah, Seth.
Beep. No, i saw Alex die.
Beep. But i saw Brian die too.
Beep. God i thought everything had ended.

My eyes opened and i sat up immediately when i felt someone slap me, "oh my god youre real!" shit that wasnt jem, shit brians awake, shit im right here-
shit i killed him!

"Hey orange mans awake!" ive never been more thankful for jem. 
"I brought him some m & m's and timman i brought you snickers."
"dont call me that." I responded, trying to sound as calm as possible when your supposedly dead friend that you almost killed twice slapped you. I took the snickers, i liked m&m's more. Jem began to babble on about how long the line was, mostly complaining. "Hey has Tim apologized for killi-"
"You ran him over." I corrected. Brian was playing with the wrapper of his m&m's, he hadnt opened his. He looked uncomfortable and probably scared. I would be too. considering i almost killed him twice. 
"Hey jem I'll give you forty bucks to go buy whatever food, I need to talk with Brian." I said, saying his name was even weirder. 
"dont complain on what i get!" She said, snatching the money from my hand, "anything to get that alcoholic smell outta your mouth" was the last thing she said before leaving.

"Youve been drinking?"
"Youre supposed to be dead, Brian."
"I know am, i dont know how am alive okay? I tried throwing myself off again and it didnt work! And i-"
"You tried again?"
"What else was i supposed to do?! Im supposed to be dead. I was dead! I dont know what Alex or- or that thing did, but im not." 
I stayed silent, why wasnt he dead? How did he just come back? I kept questioning until a nurse came in, "Mr. Wright, Mr. Thomas should be free to go in about two days we just need to check him up." I nodded and thanked her before she left. Brian kept messing with the m&m wrapper, so i threw my snicker at him, i knew he liked it for some odd reason. "what were you doing before?"
"looking for a job. i thought if i could ignore it i could live a normal life." I almost had that.  

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