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?: HURRY UP! (Y/N)!

Y: Calm down! We have a lot of time left!!!


Y: You can go ahead without me! I'll be taking my sweet time!

?: You better be there in 10 mins okay?!

Y: Yep~ 

I watch him run towards the building while I just laughed at him.

He must be excited about the new news.

Well, he and I have been trainees for quite some time now and now we'll have a meeting with the higher-ups to decide whether or not we will debut or just keep training.

Although, I know that he'll for sure debut. 

I'm happy for him don't get me mistaken here but knowing myself, I doubt that I will.

Well, I'll just be there for him. 


The elevator opened its doors and I went in pressing the number.

Hmm, which room was it again?


Aish, I forgot...

I bring out my phone and look for the message sent to me.



I look at my phone beside the girl who fell down.

Y: Oof. Are you okay? I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention.

?: No it's alright, it was my fault as well.

Y: Here let me help you.

I let my hand out and prepared myself to pull her up.

?: No need, I can help myself up. Thanks.

I pick up my phone and she gets in the elevator closing the door.

Must be having a bad day.

Anyway, I look back at my phone and followed the directions going to the meeting.

I turned right, went left, and opened the door.


I look back at him and cover my ears immediately.

Y: Aish, stop being so loud, we're in a small confined room. You're gonna make me go deaf.

?: Ohhh hehehe sorry, at least you're early this time. Proud of you man.

Y: Yeah~ Yeah~ Looks like we're really early.

?: We are... 5 mins early, this should give them a good first impression.

Y: I'm sure that doesn't matter but if you say so.

No sooner than 3 mins of talking to him, the door opened revealing the higher-ups.

?: Good morning! Psst you say good morning as well! 

Y: Good morning...

?: Please sit down, it's nice to meet both of you, I'm Kim Ji-hoon. 

Ji-hoon: Now, I assume that you both know why you're here?

?: Yes sir! 

Ji-hoon: Good, now, you two will be debuting in a new group. 

?: Yes!

Wait, the both of us? 

Y: Sir, how many members are in the group?

Ji-hoon: Well, we are not sure of that yet but the initial plan is to have the new group debut as a 5 member group.

Y: Ahh, I see.

Ji-hoon: I'm sorry, but could I ask you two to introduce yourselves?

?: Oh! Shoot! We're so sorry! I am Kang Ha-jun! 

Y: I am Kim (Y/N). 

Ji-hoon: Good, now that I know you two. Ha-jun ssi, you will be the lead dancer of the group.

Ha-jun: Really?! Thank you so much, sir!

Ji-hoon: (Y/N) ssi, you will be the leader of the new group.

Wait... What?! 

Y: Me? Wait, sir, could I ask why?

Ji-hoon: Well, you're trainers and other trainees have been saying a lot of good things about you, about how you help them get better, how you protect them from bullies, and a lot more. It would only be fitting for you to be the new leader. 

Y: Sir, I'm being honest here, but I really don't think I'm suited for the role. 

Ha-jun: Psst! What are you doing, you should just accept the role and be thankful!

Ji-hoon: Well, they did warn me about this. Which is why you'll be having a mentor. 

Y: A mentor? 

Ji-hoon: Yes. This mentor will teach you and help you become a leader. This mentor is also a long-time leader of one of the most successful groups in our company.

Y: I'm assuming I can't decline?

Ji-hoon: Well, you can, but if you do decline, we can't guarantee you the next time there will be an opportunity like this. 

Y: I see... Then, I'll accept it. 

Ji-hoon: Good. You will meet your mentor tomorrow. 

The Mentor ( Kim Taeyeon x Male Reader )Where stories live. Discover now