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*Diego's Pov*

D-hey guys welcome back to me and My girlfriend's youtube channel today i'm gonna be pranking her because she pranked me so its pay back time the prank i'm gonna be doing today is the ignoring prank she hates when people ignore her so do i but karma comes back any way so i'm gonna be sitting in my bed an wait for her and babe if your watching this i'm so sorry so im gonna set you guys up right here i also put more cameras around the house 

-25 minutes later-

she came in my room and said

A-good morning babe 


A-babe you good?


A-bubs what did i do?


A-are you okay


A-did i do something wrong 


A-babe are you ignoring me 


A-babe answer me 


A-Babe do you hate me what did i do


A-fine ignore me i said *while tearing up*


A-fuck it im leaving have fun being by yourself don't expect me to give you cuddles and kisses she said *while crying*


A-you don't care about me


A-were done don't talk to me 


she goes to her room and cries her eyes out and gets some clothes and was about to leave when diego stopped her and said



D-im sorry it was just a prank 

A-idc im done

D-babe it was just a joke

A-ok and 

D-im sorry will you take me back he said *while crying*

A-yes come here *i kiss him*

D-*he kisses me back*

A-karma is coming back to you

D-ok but i want to cuddle

A-no this is your punishment no cuddles and no more kisses and im sleeping in my room not with you

D-but babe 

A-goody bye Diego

D-ouch that hurt 

A-idc it hurt me when you ignored me 

D-but i can't live without you and your cuddles and kisses 

A-if you can ignore me then you can live without them

D-it was a joke 

A-and a joke always has punishment

D-fine but can i get some tomorrow 


D-come on please 

A-ill think about it 

they go to sleep...


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