After party

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I ran out of the field I was crying I was stopped but Diego he said
D-hey you ok?
A-no my boyfriend was hugging the new girl
D-hey it's okay
He pulled me into a hug I just stayed there until jacob pulled me away I then said
A-what the hell are you doing
J-breaking up the hug
A-go hug the new girl you sure like her anyways
J-I love you not her she just went up to hug me but I declined it please baby you have to believe me
A-i love u too can we go get food

J-yeah we should go to chick-fl-a

A-yeah sounds great

we get in the car and drive to chick-fl-a and eat and talk and then he drops me off but i tell him...

A-hey bubs can you sleepover 

J-yeah but let me go get some clothes from my house

A-ill tell my brother to let you use some clothes


we went to my room and watched some movies and did some face mask and matching pjs

Face mask:

Matching Pajamas:

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Matching Pajamas:

the next day i went to the nail salon to get my nails and hair done 

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the next day i went to the nail salon to get my nails and hair done 

My nails:

My nails:

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My hair:

My hair:

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