Prank wars

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*Adriana pov*

A-Today i'm gonna be pulling a prank on my boyfriend Diego he said he was going to get some furniture for the house so i'm gonna give him a call and say that i was invited to a party and see what he says Diego if your watching this i'm sorry but you pranked me so its time to get you back i'm pranking him by wearing a scandalous outfit

A-i'm gonna put this on

A-im gonna give him a call now 

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A-im gonna give him a call now 

-on the call-

A-hey bubs

D-hey beb

A-i have to tell you something 

D-what is it

A-i got invited to a party and i wondered if i could go

D-oh yeah you can go but i cant go because im gonna be putting the things in the house

A-yay but can you give me a ride 

D-yeah i'll see you later i love you

A-i love you too

-i hang up-

A-alright guys im gonna go set up this camera in the kitchen and this one in the room and one in the living room

-30 minutes later-

A-guys i just saw Diego pull in the driveway let me go put this camera back 

Diego's comes in the house and says 

D-babe im home

Adriana goes downstairs and then says

A-hey babe 

Diego looks like he is in the mood 

D-damn babe you lookin fine shii

A-im gonna go to the party now are you gonna drive me 

D-yeah but your not wearing that go change to something more casuel

A-no i want to stay in this

D-not wearing that babe 

A-im going like this weather you like it or not

D-no your not can you just change i dont want to fight 

A-well it looks like were gonna fight cause im not gonna take this off 

D-babe i just want to go play my game 

A-well guess what



D-come on bubs or else ill take it off for you 

A-ill just uber since you cant give me a ride

D- your not going anywhere then

A-yes i am and your not stopping me

D-babe if you go and im not there there gonna take advantage of you and im not gonna be there to protect you bubs

A-im not taking it off and im going okay end of the story


A-i can protect my self 

D-no you can't if you step out of that door don't come back 

A-fine i guess im not coming back

D-FINE!! *he said crying*

he goes to his room and slams the door 

A-omg guys he is so mad and sad right now let me go tell him its a prank 

i go to his room he looks like he just found a dead body then he says


A-chill bubs its a prank

D-no its not 

A-look i say *as i show him the camera i was hiding behind my back*

D-i thought i lost you bubs 

A-well you didn't i'm right here and i wore this to get you in the mood

D-well you did but no cuddles and kisses

A-ok daddy im going to sleep

D-goodnight mamas 


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