If I Know What Love Is,Its Because Of You

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As i was getting ready for my date with jacob,jacob called me i answerd

A-hello bubs?

J-hey are you ready im almost there 

A-yeah i just need to put on my shoes

J-okay bye bubs


i went to put on my shoes and went to my room and got my purse and went downstairs and saw Kevin and this girl that i used to be friends with when i was here but she tried to get with my ex and i told that we couldn't be friends anymore i then get a call its jacob


J-hey you ready yet im outside?


J-alright come down 

A-alright ill be down in a second 

J-ok bye


i get my purse and head to the car i see jacob opening the door and getting something from the back it was flowers  i said 

A-aww thanks 

J-your welcome 

A-where we going 

J-its a surprise 

A-wait stop the car 

J-ok *he stops the car*

A-*i kiss him*

J-i thought it was something bad i was worried *he say as he kisses me back 

A-no just keep driving 


we got there after 25 minutes of driving he told me to put on a blindfold so i did and we finnaly got there it looked like this 

we got there after 25 minutes of driving he told me to put on a blindfold so i did and we finnaly got there it looked like this 

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he then said

J-you like it


J-oh we could go somewhere else

A-No i love it 

J-dont play like that
A-what i do love it 

J-ik you just told me

A-lets eat 

this is what it looked like

after we eat and talked he told me to put the blindfold and then tells me

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after we eat and talked he told me to put the blindfold and then tells me

J-open your eyes in 3.....2......1....

J-will you be my girlfriend?

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J-will you be my girlfriend?

A-Yes i would love to

J-alright i have another surprise for you 

A-me too

J-wait me first

A-ok bubs



A-ooh movie night cant wait now my turn 

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A-ooh movie night cant wait now my turn 


A-its all our memories from when we first met to now 

J-im gonna love this 

(pretend it you and jacob)

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(pretend it you and jacob)

J-aww i love it 

A-i hope you would

J-lets go so we could have a movie night

A-ok but lets stop at my house so i could get some clothes for school and to sleep 

J-yeah we should go to target and get some more snacks 

A-sounds good 

we went to my house and i got some of my clothes and then went to target and get some stuff 

what we got at target:

we  watched some movies then we went to sleep like this 

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we  watched some movies then we went to sleep like this 

we  watched some movies then we went to sleep like this 

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