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*Adriana's pov*

Today i woke up in Kevin's arms i tried to wake him up but i couldn't so i got out of his grip and said 

A-Kevin wake up

he still didn't wake up

A-fine don't i'm gonna go talk to someone else then

i was about to walk away but then i felt someone grab my arm and it was Kevin he said

K-Excuse me?

A-Yay you're up 

K-But why did you say that

A-you wouldn't wake up so then i said i was gonna go talk to someone else then you woke up 

K-oh okay but you could of just kissed me 

A-okay *i kissed him*

K-yeah like that *he kisses me back*

A-ok *i giggled*

K-so where are you going today

A-i'm gonna go with Alex to the arcade and then i'm gonna go to in-and-out with Jude and Josiah 

K-oh okay i'm gonna go with my friend Daisy

A-okay i'm gonna go get ready

K-same il meet you outside i'll drive you to his house


*i go shower and then i do my skincare routine and after i'm done i put some ripped jeans on and a white butterfly crop top and a sweater then do my makeup and go downstairs i see Kevin with Daisy he looks like he is flirting with her i didn't think anything of it and then i say i order in uber and wait in the room

15 minutes later

A-Kevin you look busy i'm gonna take in Uber

K-um no i'll take you

A-No! i'm fine my Uber is here anyway

K-um okay



i arrive at Alex's house  and knock he lets me in and then he says

Al-are you okay

A-yeah i'm fine

Al-Adriana i'm you're best friend i know when something's wrong

A-fine ill tell you Kevin was being all flirty with his "friend" Jessica 

Al-here lets make him jealous

A-yeah lets show him what it feels like 

Me and him go live on my account and i then say

A-Hey guys this is my best friend Alex we are going to answers some questions of yall

Alex then reads a comment

@randomuser-did you guys date before?

A-yeah we did but we are good friends now  said while *playing with his hair*

Al-yeah we used to but we decided to be friends 

i then read another comment

@adriana.and_kevins.fanpage-how old are you guys?

A-im 16

Al-im 15 almost 16

i read another comment

@sarah_16-OMG Kevin joined 

A-cool i said *while i stopped playing with his hair*

Al-hey he said while *tickling me*

A-s-stop that tickles 

Al-no its fun 

A-*i was laughing so hard*

after 10 minutes he stops but i then jump on his back and say


Al-when they say karma's a bitch it is 

i laughed and then we went back to the live and some of the comments said ship you should date the i said

A-no i'm dating Kevin were just close friends 

Al-yeah plus i'm dating someone i belive her name is Jennifer

A-oh well guys we gotta go were going to the arcade 

Al-bye we love you guys 


i ended the live and then i said

A-we probably made him super jealous

Al-yeah we did 

A-lets go to the arcade 

Al-let go 

we arrive at the arcade and my heart dropped when i saw Kevin and Daisy about to kiss

A-H-Hey Kevin

Kevin stops and looks at me and says

K-babe its not what it looks like 

A-Kevin shut the fuck up were done don't come begging me for forgiveness 

K-babe please listen to me 

A-don't babe me when you know exactly what you did 

K-Adriana i didn't mean to

A-it seems to me we were never meant to happen

K-Adriana you don't mean that he said *while tearing up*

A-no i do mean it you wanna kiss you're "friend" go ahead you can consider yourself single 

K-but Adriana it just happened 

A-well this just happened i said *while kissing Alex*

K-*he starts crying*

A-i'm sorry Kevin that i ever met you i don't regret it but my heart was broken before i met you i don't know why its still together 

K-Adriana i'm so so sorry she was the one that was about to kiss me

A-i get that but i just don't get why you didn't think about me when you let it happen but it doesn't matter because you are single i'm single go back to kissing that hoe

D-dont call me a hoe when youre the one who tried to make kevin jealous on youre live maybe you werent meant to be dumb bitch

K-ba- i mean Adriana please don't do this to me and daisy stfu

A-you ruined us i still love you Kevin withe the peaces i have in my heart and you decide to almost kiss Daisy

K-yeah almost it was a mistake

A-and me falling in love with you was also a mistake

K-you have to believe me 


K-you cant just throw what we have

A-actually i can consider it i'm done were done i have to go goodbye have fun with you're new girlfriend i'm going back to LA i need to be far from you

K-p-please don't do this

A-you should of thought of that when you decided to kiss your so wanna be called friend Daisy ill be laughing when she cheats on you 

K-please i don't want you to go


i left and went home 

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