"getting to know Malfoy"

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*in potions class*

Snape: mikalson and Malfoy partners please i believe Draco can help you out mrs.mikalson

Draco pov:
me and Snape are close so i asked him a little favor i wanted to be partners with y/n

y/n pov:
well first day of school seems amazing already i have a hangout with one cute boy and am partnered with the other in potions

Draco: hey we didn't rly get to talk earlier i'm Malfoy ,Draco Malfoy

*his name ringing in my head i wanted to be nice to him but for some reason the words that came out were not nice*

y/n: well i i'm y/n mikalson i heard you where the school player...

Draco: oh I...well

pansy: he's mine by the way y/n just wanted to stop over and make sure u knew

Draco: pansy leave we aren't dating

pansy: so fucking me every night isn't considered us together? see u tonight Draco

y/n: yeah u have quite the reputation

Draco: so weird question are you a virgin?

y/n: why would i tell a fuck boy my life

Draco  pov:
i kinda liked how mean she was and how she could handle her self

y/n pov:
i wanted to be nice but it made me mad to think he's probably fucked 100 girls

Draco: that's fine not like i wanted to help out a girl whose daddy's a killer
*you roll your eyes very annoyed, you go back to ur dorm to get ready to meet up with Oliver, you don't dress up or anything it's just a hang out*

y/n pov:

i was hoping to see Malfoy again even after potions although i was excited to see wood maybe he is better for me anyways

*as i'm walking down the halls to go see ,Wood
i hear someone behind me a deeper voice then Oliver he sounds mad you decided to listen*

???: i don't give a fuck about pansy well i did but now i don't that new girl she's hot
*another voice appears after a lot less deep*
???: oh stfu you will just break her heart i'm not gonna let that happen she's super sweet
???: Ron ur just a Gryffindor anyways
*so that second voice was Ron u think awh he's trying to protect me already*
Ron: so is y/n so i'd watch the tone Malfoy

*you think "MALFOY"
Draco Malfoy that's who i was listening to
*you quickly wanna get out and go see Oliver but part of u wants to walk past them so u do*

Ron: oh hey y/n what are u doing?
y/n: i told Oliver me and gin could hang tonight

*you hear Malfoy grunt kinda mad like*

Oliver: oh there u are y/n i was afraid you got lost

y/n: sorry i saw Ron and Malfoy so i stopped to say hi

Oliver: well let's go love
*Love, Love he called me love i mean i know that's nothing big but it was so cute i kinda enjoyed seeing Malfoy upset how funny the player upset, as that night went on u and Oliver had a great time but all that was on your mind was Malfoy*

malfoys love for a mikalson girlWhere stories live. Discover now