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*we all take our seats ugh of course i was put next to Malfoy*
Klaus:so why don't we get to the point
Mr.Malfoy: yes sir
Caroline: look i'm usually nice but why should we help you after our daughter ended up so very hurt by your son
Mr.Malfoy: to be fair it was with your other daughter
Caroline: yes and i plan to send her back to the salvatore school tomorrow actually
y/n: what abt josie
*i spit out also help for what...*
Caroline: it's up to her if she's staying
Klaus: like my beautiful wife was saying why should we help?
Draco: me and Y/n still have no idea what's happening
Y/n: as much as i hate hearing him say my name it's true so what's going on?
Klaus: darling the Malfoys are in danger...and have asked for our family's protection since well we are the most powerful creatures of our kinda and have the most powerful witches such as yourself
Y/n: in danger because of what?
Klaus: Kai is back mad about kade
Y/n: why isn't he after you then you killed kade?
Caroline: darling....
Mr.Malfoy: But kades wish was he wanted draco dead because he has you so Kai wants to kill our whole family mostly Draco tho
Mrs.Malfoy: look we know you don't care for lucius,Draco or I but your our only hope
Y/n: we will do it
Klaus: what
Y/n: dad you want to keep me safe like always then keep them safe because-
*i cut myself off i didn't wanna finish draco looks at me*
Caroline: what is it honey
Y/n: never mind but please dad
Klaus: okay darling only for you tho
Draco: why do u want to protect us
*he whispers to me*
Y/n: i don't know i just...umm i thought maybe
you guys needed it i don't know okay please stop
Draco: stop what darling?
Y/n: making me feel something for you
Draco: if it weren't for our parents around i push you against the wall right now and fuck you
Y/n: just stop i can't do that to harry
Draco: Potter? he will be okay he has ginny
Y/n: and you have lizi
*i stop whispering *
Y/n: may i be excused please
Mrs.Malfoy: of course darling
*i get up and walk outside i wanted air i wanted to cry*
Caroline: i should go talk to her
Draco: please Mrs.mikalson let me?
Caroline: fine... Draco?
Draco: yes ma'am
Caroline: i know Lizi and i know she's the way she is So i don't blame you completely just tell y/n the truth okay?
Draco: thank you Mrs.mikalson

*as i'm sitting outside i just wanted to cry...i felt like shit i didn't wanna be here anymore i feel his light breath over me*

Draco: can we please talk
Y/n: why
Draco: because i do care about you and what your doing to yourself isn't like you
Y/n: you don't even know me anymore
Draco: your favorite color is Red, you love hamsters because there so tiny but not to small same with bunny's, you want to go to paris one day...
Y/n: okay i get it...
Draco: look she kissed me
Y/n: i saw more then kissing

malfoys love for a mikalson girlWhere stories live. Discover now