I miss you

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y/n pov:
i miss you
i started to think of something i once heard
"i think of you"
"i just can't talk to you right now"
"i miss you"
"i just can't admit it right now"
"i need you"
"i just can't show you right now"
"i love you"
"i just can't tell you right now"
replaying in my head over and over as i walked away after seeing him it felt like it was in slow motion i wanted to be anywhere but ther oh god anywhere hermione takes me to the water fountain i always thought it would be a great place for me and draco to just talk about life
all these games he was playing messing with my head i didn't want to hold on anymore

before u continue reading this is a TW but know you are not alone and you are very loved

me and hermione just talk she lets me cry and talk for hours which is exactly what i needed tbh we make our way back and i see him again his eyes pierce though my mind fuck why can't i move on

hermione: look i know it's hard but just don't pay attention to him

y/n: i have potions with him tomorrow

hermione: i know but your strong okay

*i go back to my dorm and hold his swearter right smellling it i missed him so much but he cheated..how could he and with pansy that's so much worse had the audacity to say let him explain like explain what his fingers up in her pussy fuck him *

harry: look y/n i know you miss him but maybe u should give me his sweater to give back to him u can move on i'll let u keep mine

*i hesitate i know he's right tho*
y/n: i...fine *i threw him the sweater*

Harry's pov:
i go to Malfoy and throw the sweater at him pissed

draco: wtf
harry: your sweater y/n didn't wanna do it herself
draco: she could've kept it
harry: then what be reminded of u every second no that's now how it works
draco:  how is she?
harry: horrible and it's your fault your a dumbass you had the world and u lost it

y/n pov:
i walked down to talk to hope and heard draco and harry they were talking loud everyone started to huddle around them i broke threw the crowd to the front neither saw me tho

harry: u rly fucked up this time that's all i'm gonna say next time think twice before u do shit she is beautiful funny amazing smart brave and she sure as hell has been stronger then u ever would be your pathetic

draco pov:

potter was right i am pathetic as i let those words sink it with everyone crowding us i see her...her beautiful eyes he beautiful face beautiful figure i tan i couldn't stand it i hurt her to much and she was wearing potters hoodie..wtf for the first time i cried in the bathroom i couldn't help it...

*harry saw me and hugged me immediately *
y/n: thank you potter
harry: you know  i will always be here during you y/n
*i heard Malfoy crying i wanted to cry to i didn't wanna do it i didn't wanna see him tomorrow*


later that night things where so hard so fucking hard you had a plan that night you went to the astronomy tower and had a plan to jump with tears in your eyes yelling u wanted to do it
u we're about to but someone grabbed you in thete embrace and stopped you

malfoys love for a mikalson girlWhere stories live. Discover now