part 1 - WTBW

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An apple dropped into the glowing cauldron, Evie taking a large stick and stirring the potion. "let's give Auradon a taste of evil~" Mal purred, opening her spell book and reciting the corruption spell "wicked ways beneath the skin" Mal smirked, watching as Harry and Gil set two more large buckets of apples next to the caldron, she locked eyes with Jay, who gave her a cruel smirk "let all who taste it now join in~" she let out a cold cackle, the boys grabbing the buckets and dumping the fresh red apples in, the potion bubbling as it infected the apples with its spell.

VKs; We got all the ways to be
We got all the ways to be

The six of them each grabbed an apple and held them high in the air, malicious laughter echoing around them.

Carlos; C'mon!
VKs; hey hey hey hey hey

Mal and Carlos ran through the halls, Carlos dumping a bucket across the hall, the student's eyes flashing green and diving for the poisoned apples. Mal ran her arm across the lockers, each slamming shut to reveal her newest spray paint across them.

Vks; Hey hey hey hey (haha)
Hey hey hey hey hey

Mal gave a sharp smile to Jane, who grinned back and took the shiny red apple Mal had offered her, her eyes flashing green as she took a bite.

Mal; Crashin' the party, guess they lost my invention
Friendly reminder got my own kinda persuasion

Carlos rolled the bucket down the hall, the spelled students leaping out of the way. Carlos side hopped onto the wall, slamming his hand next to Mal's head and looping his arm around her shoulder, leading her out of the hall.

Carlos; Looks like this place could use a bit of misbehavior
Happily ever after with a little flavor

Jay stood in the courtyard, chucking the poisoned apples at the band, many of them having to leap out of the way to avoid being hit. Jay cackled and threw one right into Doug's trumpet, the instrument making a wheezing sound.

Shuffle playlist - rewrite - Part of your world - Harry Hook x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now