Would it be possible for me to ask for one more kiss? They always were my favorite.
I'll leave after I find closure on your lips. Even though I don't want to go, you want me to.
Maybe, one more breakfast, one more lunch, and one more dinner? I'm not hungry, I just want to be with you.
We can go our separate ways after I'm full and happy. Am I happy? Was I happy?
But in between each meal, maybe we can lie in bed once more? Yes, please, I need you now more than ever before.
We can share one more prolonged moment, where time suspends forever as my head rests so gently on your chest and I try to mimic your breathing patterns while listening to the perfect sound of your heart beating. Life felt more perfect than ever before in this moment.
My hope is that if we add up the one mores they will equal a lifetime. Hope is only so powerful.
So that I never have to let you go. I can't let you go.
(This is a mock poem, from the character Jenny Young in the movie Someone Great)

A Collection of my Inner Thoughts and Most Personal Feelings
Poetrythis is clips of poetry that I have written that I feel like sharing with the world. :)