Something is wrong..

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Frisk POV

It's been 2 weeks since that camping, things had going just fine.., but..

Something seems wrong with Sky.., she being more protective towards all of her 'Siblings' (A.K.A us) now..

She even threat those who bullied us with a Murderous Aura and Glare.., at least those bully were never came back again.., but.., her condition.., worrying me..

Is 'That' side of her got triggered somehow..?

I mean.., I thought we 'Seal' 'That' part of her with giving a LITTLE Bit of my DETERMINATION Before my fall, in our first meeting..

Oh well.., I was sitting here on the couch with Chara on my shoulder, I turn my head to them,



Just then, I saw Sky.. She.. seemed to be.. Death? Her eyes are dull..

I keep my guard up, but try not to be suspicious.., y'know? incase if something happen..

She keep walking to the Kitchen, I shake a bit, Chara waking up,

"Frisk.., you.., okay? You.., Shaking.." I nodded

"Did I woke you?"

"Pretty much.., But.., you sure you okay?" They asked concerned..

I smiled, "✋︎🕯︎💣︎ ⚐︎😐︎✌︎✡︎📬︎📬︎"

"I'm Okay.."

She just smiled, but then, we heard Kai saying something.., he sound.. scared?

We go to the Kitchen, "Okay-" Kai is about to say something, but got cut off when Sky suddenly raise her hand holding a Knife with it's blade on the front-


My fast reflexe is to turn her SOUL Blue and keep her stay there, she then stare at me, it's a Glare actually.., a Death Glare..

"Chara, call the Mental Hospital." She looked confuse, but do it eventually.

"Why the Mental Hospital instead of the Police?" Kai asking out of his curiousity.

"Because we are Best Friend when we are still on the surface and I know she had some Mental Illness.." Kai and Goat Mom is surprised, but nodded in understanding..

"Mom.., please call the others to.." She nodded and call the whole Dreemurrs family..

Yes, they are all outside doing their thing, because today, all of our school got some renovation.. And school is close for a month.., so yeah..

 Chara then come to me, "I called the Mental Hospital, they will came in 20 Minutes" I nodded, walking to Sky, then knock her to the ground.

Just then, the other Dreemurrs came, they asked what happen and we explain what happen to them, after that, we 

"Why would Sky do that?" Violet asked and being followed by everyone but me, they are having the same question.

I take a deep breath.., "Okay.., so.., I tell you about something that she keep from all of you except me for some reason.."

They are nodded, ready to listening to me..

"So.., It happen a long time ago.., she told me this when our first met since she know she could trust me somehow.., anyway.., she said that she had the Full DNA Of the very first Human that had the Patience SOUL..,-"

"AWESOME!" "SH-" "oop-"

"Anyway- There is a problem.., this very first human gave her next generation a Homicide DNA.., for the normal person, the Homicide only last until they were 10.., good thing that they could control this side of them.., but Sky, since she had her full DNA, Her Homicide part staying forever.., along with the cannibalism- actually- half cannibalism.., and those side of her.., only if you trigger them with Blood or Axe.., but those are not enough to make her lose her Sanity.., if she saw blood, she probably will drank it, and axe.., probably just swing it randomly.., not into killing.., but there is still something that could trigger both side, and we don't know what is it.. So I gave her 1/10 of my SOUL To help her control that side of her.." They look shocked, but I expected this..

"Why won't she told me about this.., is that why when Father go out doing mission as an Assassin and bring Sky with him, she always cover in blood, but somehow cleaner around her mouth?" James said, tearing up..

"Maybe.., but if she keep this a secret.., it probably for your safety, James.." I said trying to calm him down..

"Is she gonna be okay if other people knew about this..?" Wow.., Violet.., instead of worrying about herself, she worrying about Sky..

"Do not worry.., this info is private and the other Patience clan keep this a secret as well" She nodded then smile, she seemed to calm down a bit..

10 Minutes.

The Ambulance came with a little guard there, they pick Sky up with no problem since I already knock her, but I still going with them, incase if she awake on the way there..

✋︎ ☟︎⚐︎🏱︎☜︎ ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎ ⚐︎😐︎✌︎✡︎📪︎ 💧︎😐︎✡︎📬︎📬︎

I hope you okay, Sky..

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