Mental Hospital

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I woke up.., tied?

I got tied up on the chair..?

I tried to break free, but it kinda hard to do- I finally gave up due my Laziness-

Suddenly, Doctor Gaster and another people came in to the room, I look around, it seemed like I was in an Introgation room? Because I could see this place is totally ain't like other room.., I look to the window.., there I saw my family.., including Violet..

Did I snap..? If that is, I hope they.., especially her does not be scared of me..

I take a deep breath, the man on the front of me cleared his throat- or maybe tried to get my attention..

"Ok.., so, did you know where you are, and why you here?" He asked, I nodded lazily

"Alright, now please answer some of my question.."

Violet POV

The Therapist gave her some Homicide/Psycopath question test, her answer surprised me, and everybody who knew about the test..

"Why did you guys seemed surprised by her answer..? Is there something wrong with it?.." Kai asked, "Yeah, it just a 'Normal' Question right??" James asked worriedly..

I can't open my mouth somehow.., Sans knew about this, and answer it for me,

"Every of her answer matter.., a 'Normal' Human wouldn't answer such a question like her.., a Psycopath or Homicide would.., this test had been tested on multiple time, and the results are always accurate.." The other who do not know about this seems surprised.., they are all now deep in their thought..

"How many times did you got this question, and how many times did you answer the same one?" The therapist asked, "Multiple times.., every single test I had, I always answer the same answer.." The therapist nodded

'Oh Sky.., why won't you tell me this..'


After answering those shitty question, he take a.. Knife?

I wonder what would he do- Blood..?

Violet POV

"Did he really cut his finger?!" James shout in disbelieve, and out of nowhere, Sky- She.., laugh?

It start with a little giggle, but soon enough, the laughter turn into an Evil uncontrollable laugh- She cried to..

It shock everybody who saw it.., Sky.., she- she tried to break free.., but she is in a dangerous mode right now, so I.. I can't do anything..

"Alright, stop show of the Blood to her, it might could  trigger something else.." Gaster said, he is choose to stop driving Sky insane for 'Checking' her mental health- It worried me..

"Let's go now, and let her calm her self down.., YOU!! Keep her safe, but DON'T get to close!!" Gaster said to the guardian, the guard nodded, then Gaster and the Doctor leave..

They going to us, and told us to follow them, we just can do NOTHING but to follow them for now..


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