The thing that Sky wanted

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Jack POV

We are just talking more about Sky Mental Health, when suddenly..

"DOCTOR!!" We turned our head to him- wait.. he is the one who supposed to keep Sky safe..

"Sky.., She-" Just when he about to say something a familiar figure appear behind him with a shovel, 'Excuse me'  She seemed to whispered something to him, but I just can't hear it, he is stay cold there, he does not move anywhere there..

She is then hit him with the shovel and and he passed out, "That's what you get for Standing in my way..", the figure said, then throw the shovel to her side, doesn't care about where she 'Put' it, and then, she walked to Violet, the others sweat, but Violet seems to scared of her at all, and without telling anybody, the figure hugged Violet, Violet hugged her back..

'Sky, please don't hurt her..'

Violet POV

Sky hugged me, don't know why thought, it feels weird, but I just hugged her back anyway..

"Are you scared?" She asked, I just stay silent..












































































"I.. only scared to lose you.., I'm worried that they might targeting you first.." After a while, I finally say a thing, she tighten the hug..

"Thank you.." She whispered, then let go of the hug, she look at the doctor disappointed.


"Next time, check the interrogation room.., I found this Shovel right next to a random axe inside that room.., I suggest you to immediately take away the Axe, because it could trigger my Impatience SOUL, and it easier to trigger my SOUL of Rage when I was in my Impatience Mode, also, when my SOUL is in the Rage mode, I was in my Homicide part, Imma wait infront of the room until you take it out." After that, she walked out of the room, the doctor looking at her in disbelieve

"Who the hell put such a dangerous thing inside that room.." The doctor asked, and no one answered- ofc-

"At least she know the right treatment for her own Mental Illness" We all agree to Gaster statement, and told the other Doctor  -that is still alive ofc- to take those dangerous stuff out of her room-

At least we know that her twin information is totally right..

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