Chapter 10

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"So what did you get back from the daughter." you were facing Nick's direction. His eyes were in the paperwork. "Not much, Rollins and Carisi are following up. " He brushed past you without another word. It was starting to get irritating. You grabbed his arm, effectively gaining his attention. You gestured to the interrogation room. He got the message, following you down the hall. When you were both inside you closed the door. Nick folded his arms, leaning on the table with his ankles crossed. "Something you need?" his attempt to act unaffected was infuriating.

"Nick, how long are you going to give me the cold shoulder?" he scoffed.

"I'm your partner, isn't that what you wanted. What, do you want me to hug you every time I report information on a case."

"Cut the crap! You've been acting like this since..since that night!" you accused. His arms unfolded, resting on the edge of the table. "What do you want from me (Y/N). You made it pretty clear where we stand. I'm trying to respect that."

"Bullshit! Why the hell did you kiss me then. I told you this would happen, that's why I said I couldn't. And you still kissed me!!" He slammed his hand on the desk and you jolted. He was storming over to you. "You drive me crazy." you looked up, he was now towering over you. You could feel the intensity of his eyes. He was glaring at you, all his pent up anger was aimed at you. "You just got up and made a decision. 

I'm tired of people making decisions for me. First Zara, then Gill. The two people I used to care most about took away the kids that mean everything to me. Now I'm standing here in front of you taking another chance, but you've already decided I'm not worth it. Guess there's just something about me that drives women away." Behind all the rage, you could see the hurt in his eyes. "I-It's not like that Nick." you reached over to take his hand but he moved away. "Yeah, well then tell me, what is it like? Enlighten me, because I'd love to know what the brave Nick Amaro is doing wrong. " he let out a dry laugh, stepping closer to the door. "Look, all that's important is that we pay attention to the job. Let's just stay focused on that. Like you said before. This never happened." you weren't given a chance to get much more in after that. Nick left. And you were stuck with nothing but your conflicting feelings.


"Who's his new girlfriend? " Your eyes raised at Amanda's comment. Standing at the door was Nick, chatting it up with a female detective. You rolled your eyes. Since your little spat two weeks ago, your relationship with Nick was, well, somewhat strained. The both of you did the job, efficiently too. But the lingering tension never left. You thought things would just go back to normal eventually. It was just taking longer than expected to get over Nick. Especially since he'd been flirting shamelessly since then. Whenever you went to coffee shops, or even on leads, he'd be a little extra attentive with women. 

At first you thought it was a foolish attempt to make you jealous, but now it was getting to you. Because for the past week he'd been talking with this pretty little brunette detective. She worked in a different unit, but sometimes your paths crossed. Now it was like she'd take any excuse to come visit him. He was leaning over whispering something in her ear. 

At that point you looked away, busying yourself with paperwork. Anything to get the sound of that woman's stupid giggling out of your head. You really were trying to drown it out,but she wouldn't stop laughing. The pen in your hand snapped in half at how tightly you were pressing down, and a light above your head shattered. The woman jumped, and so did Nick. Along with a few other officers. Amanda turned her chair all the way around when she saw the stare Nick directed at you.

"That's the third one this week." Barba said from behind. You spun, not expecting him. He looked down at you, gesturing to the pieces of glass on the ground. A maintenance man walking by saw the shards, looking up in utter confusion. 

Nick Amaro (Law and Order SVU) AUWhere stories live. Discover now