Chapter 3- At lunch

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(The picture does not belong to me credit to who it belongs to. The picture has nothing to do with what is happening in this chapter I just thought that the picture was cute. That is all I hope enjoy the story and Janus speaks in lies.)
Roman's pov-
Roman left the bathroom and walked to the cafeteria. Roman sees Patton, Logan, Emile, and Remy sitting at the table they usually sit at which is by the window that looks out to the football Field. Roman walks over to them and sits down. "Finally we thought you weren't going to make it" Remy says annoyed. "Sorry I Had to meet up with someone" Roman says blushing a little. "who did you meet up with kiddo" Patton asked happily. "My soulmate" Roman said everyone at the table was shocked because they knew that his soulmate would not reply back. "Really who is it" Logan asked "he doesn't want anyone to know yet" Roman says looking at the ground. "Oh sorry" Logan says "so when were you talking" Emile asked. "During first period" Roman says looking at his arms. "You should pay attention during class" Logan says annoyed. "Can we see what you were talking about kiddo" Patton asked. "Yeah sure" Roman says, Roman rolls up his sleeves and shows his arms to them. "So you were in the same class and you both weren't paying attention" Logan says annoyed. "YyYes" Roman says kind of scared. "So he made you wash his name off you're arm" Remy says annoyed. "I want to know who it is" Remy says even more annoyed. "It was nice of you to wash his name off you're arm he might not want all the attention of others on him" Emile says. "Yeah That was really kind kiddo" Patton says. "Agree with Remy I want to know who it is so I can tell him he needs to pay attention in class" Logan says annoyed. "Well to bad he all ready does not trust me as it is I am not making  it worse" Roman says looking at them. "He doesn't trust you" Logan, Patton, remy, and Emile say at the same time. "Yeah and I am not telling you why because then you might find out who it is" Roman says looking out the window. "Ok that seems reasonable" Logan says. "Fine" Remy says annoyed. "But don't think that I am going to stop trying to find out who it is" Remy says then takes a big sip of coffee. "Ok ok I get it" Roman says.
Virgil's pov-
Virgil walks out to the football field were he eats lunch with Remus and Janus. Virgil walks up the bleachers and sits by Remus and Janus. "Ware were you" Remus asked looking at Virgil. "I was meeting  my soulmate I told Janus" Virgil says while looking at the ground. "Wait you talked to your soulmate you never did that before you all ways ignored him" Remus says. "Why didn't you talk to you're soulmate today" Janus asked. "I don't know just thought I would give it a try I guess" Virgil says looking down. "Interesting" Remus says "who is you're soulmate" Remus says looking at Virgil. "I am not telling you" Virgil says "why not" says Remus pouting. "Because I don't want anyone to know yet" Virgil says. "Why" Janus asks "Because of who my soulmate is" Virgil says looking away. "It's not like you're soulmate is Roman" Remus says. "Yeah" Virgil says laying down and looking up at the sky. "Wait is you're soulmate Roman" Remus says shocked. "No my soulmate is not Roman" Virgil says still looking at the sky. "I have a feeling that you're not lying" Janus says. Virgil sits up and looks at Janus. "I am not lying" Virgil says rolling up his sleeves and showing them. "Awwww you whipped of you're guys names that's not far I want to know who it is" Remus whines. "well to bad because I am not going to tell you" Virgil says. "How rude it like we are not even you're best friends" Remus whines. "Fine I will think about telling you" Virgil says annoyed. "Yay" Remus says "I said I would think about it" Virgil says. "That is very kind of you" Janus says crossing his arms and looking away. "You two are childish" Virgil says. The bell rings "well I am going to class" Virgil says standing. "Bye emo" Remus says "bye Virgil" Janus says. Virgil walks into the school and goes to class. Virgil sits in his usual seat in the back of the class. Roman walks in and sits in his seat.
Virgil's and Roman's pov-
Roman looks behind him to see Virgil siting in his usual seat. Virgil sees Roman looking and looks at him then looks away. -that was weird- Roman though. "Ok class today we are starting a project and you will have a partner I will be choosing you're partners" the teacher says. After the teacher said most of the parents for the project. "And lastly Virgil and Roman are parents" the teacher says. "The project is on the book we read last week" the teacher says. "Get with you're partners" the teacher says. Roman stands up grabs his stuff and walks over to Virgil. "Oh and the project is due next month" the teacher says. Roman sits by Virgil "Hey princy" Virgil says not making eye contact. "Hey emo nightmare" Roman says looking at Virgil. "So when do you want work on the project princy" Virgil says still not looking at Roman. "Why won't you look at me" Roman says looking down. Virgil looks at Roman "happy I am looking at you princy" Virgil says annoyed. Roman looks at Virgil seeing him looking at him "Yeah" Roman says smiling. "So when do you want to work on the project it can't be today tho" Virgil says looking out the window that is behind Roman. "What is so interesting that can't look at me" Roman says annoyed. "Nothing" Virgil says "do you have plans for tomorrow after school" Virgil asks.
"No" Roman says looking at Virgil's eyes blushing a little. "Ok so how about tomorrow after school we meet at my place to work on the project" Virgil asks. "Yeah that works" Roman's says smiling. Virgil looks away hiding his blushing face. -why is he hiding his face- Roman though. "Virgil you ok" Roman asks trying to look at Virgil's face. The bell rings Virgil stands up and grabs his stuff. "Wait Virgil" Roman's says grabbing Virgil arm. Virgil looks at Roman and Roman see that Virgil was blushing. "Princy have to go to class" Virgil says. "Ok I will see you later" Roman says letting go. "Yeah" Virgil says walking out of the class.
Roman's pov-
Roman was walking to his last class he walked into his last class and sat down. -was Virgil blushing because of me- Roman thought. The teacher teaches the class and Roman is not paying attention. Logan is sitting next Roman. "Pay attention roman" Logan says annoyed. "Fine" Roman says. After listening to the teacher for what felt like hours the bell rings.
Virgil's pov-
Virgil is sitting in class next Remus not paying attention. "I know this class is boring but why aren't you paying attention"
Remus asked. "I will tell you later at my house" Virgil says. -this isn't good Roman saw me blushing- Virgil thought. A couple minutes of not listening to the teacher the bell rings. Virgil stands up grabs his stuff and walks out of the class with Remus. The walk to the front of the school to see Janus waiting "are guy not ready to go" Janus says. "Yeah let's go" Remus says they get in the car and start heading to Virgil's house.
That is all thanks for reading. The Word count is 1323. Sorry if you are confused.

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