Second Chances

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Varian lifted his goggles up.  Recreating the lense to it wasn't has hard as he originally thought it would be.  A knock on the door and the sound of it opening, made him look towards it.  He was surprised, to say the least, to see it was Cassandra.


"I know you probably don't want to hear it, but I really do want to apologize," Cassandra said.

Varian sighed.  "No, you did earlier.  I'm sorry I kinda exploded on you."

"I'm not here for you to apologize.  You did nothing.  I'm the one that tackled you like the spoiled brat I am and broke the very thing that reminds you of your mother."

"Well, it wasn't like you specifically tried to break them and you did get off me pretty fast when I panicked.  So that kinda shows you didn't intend to do much," he said.  "So you have my forgiveness."

Cassandra's eyes widened a little as she tilted her head.  Was he seriously fine with what she did to him?  Was forgiving her and then apologizing himself as if he did something wrong?  Gosh, was she blind.  He took the time to observe her actions and define the difference of what she meant and what actually happened.  She was ab idiot to treat him like dirt.  He didn't deserve that, she did.

"I want to know, it's selfish asking, but can you give me a second chance?"  She asked.

"I mean, as long as you give me a first," he answered.  A small glint of mischievousness entered his eyes.

"Yeah, ok, I deserve that call out," Cassandra sighed.  "I'm willing to give this a try now.  As you said.  It's kinda our duty and we're stuck with this.  We minus well try and make the best of it.  I mean, if I have to spend the rest of my life tied to someone, I shouldn't make it miserable."

"Who knows, maybe one day, we'll thank our parents.  It's fate after all," Varian admitted.

"Maybe.  Not quite there yet exactly."

"I'll work on my timing then," Varian chuckled.

"So.  I realized, you know all about what I like to do.  What is it exactly that you like to do?"  Cassandra asked.

A smile spread across his face and his eyes lit up.  She had to keep back a laugh because he looked like a child again.  For the first time, she noticed just how big and blue his eyes were.  How innocent, yet filled with deep thoughts they were.  They were wise, yet childish.  She had no clue how it was possible, but he was able to pull off looking both younger than he was, but also older than he was.  It was strange, though she found herself intrigued in spite of herself.

"I like alchemy!"


"Science, but, more specifically, alchemy," Varian explained.  "My mom was an alchemist too, hence the goggles.  I used to do it with her, but now that she's gone, it makes me feel like she's still beside me.  You know?"

"Yeah.  When I practice my sparring, I feel like my dad's still with me drilling me and teaching me all I know," she answered.

"You know, Cassie, maybe you and I aren't as different as we thought.  Oh, sorry.  Cass."

"You know what, just call me Cassie.  No more pet names, we clear?"  Cassandra said.

Varian chuckled.  "Alright, Cassie."

"Now, why don't you show me just exactly what alchemy is?"

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