Wedding Day P3

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Rapunzel slumped, unconcious from hitting her head on the wall. Cassandra turned to find that it was Andrew standing with a crossbow. He quickly began to reload it. Wrath glazed over her eyes as she screamed in her pure, justified rage. Pulling out the dagger that she had secured to her leg under her dress.

Andrew blocked her blade with his crossbow and kicked her in the stomach. She immediately jumped back at him, stabbing him in the shoulder. The guards came her aid, quickly suppressing the man.

"Let me finish him!" Cassandra screamed.

One guard held his arms out to stop her. "You can't kill him now that he's under custody. It would be considered murder not self defense if you did now." He took her dagger.

Growling, Cassandra turned back around. Upon seeing Varian, her rage vanished as fear replaced it. She ran over to him, dropping to her knees. "Varian! Varian, no, please!" She put his head in her lap.

He grimaced. "I'm sorry, Cassie..."

"No! You're going to be ok!" She began to sob. "I can't loose you!"

"I love you, Cassie..." his eyes began to close.

"I love you too," Cassandra whispered, hugging him closely. She felt his final breath on her cheek. "No! Varian! You can't leave me!" Tears poured down her face.

Rapunzel groaned, slowly sitting up. Quickly, she shook herself awake as she realized Cassandra sobbs. Her eyes widened with terror at the scene. Cassandra sniffed. "He's... gone..."

Rapunzel immediately took down her hair rapping it around him. "Raps what are you?"

"My hair heals. I was never allowed to tell you. I can see him!" Rapunzel explained in one breath. "Flower gleam and glow. Let your power shine, make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt, change the fate's design, save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine. What once was mine."

Cassandra stared at Varian. He coughed as he opened his eye. "Cassie, did I ever tell you how pretty you are?"

"Varian!" She gasped, pulling him up by his shirt. "I could kill you for scaring me like that!"

"Technically, I was already de-" Varian was cut off as Cassandra tackled him into a kiss. His eyes widened, but he kissed her back and wrapped his arms around her.

"I love you, Varian," she whispered. "I'm sorry I wasn't clear."

"I'm sorry I ruined the whole thing," he whispered.

"It's alright, know one would have known. And Raps, thank you," Cassandra smiled through her tears at her friend.

"Can we not tell my dad I died? Since I'm ok now, I don't think we should freak him out over... something he may not have to?"

"It would be nice if we kept my healing powers a secret too," Rapunzel added (the guards had already dragged Andrew off before Rapunzel used the incantation, making them the only three who knew).

"I know this may be horrible timing, but, Varian, will you marry me?"

"Yes! But we gotta make sure no one got hurt," Varian said, picking himself up. The girls nodded, following suite. They investigated and found out that no one, luckily, was harmed.

The Pope redid their vows for them.

"I do," Cassandra said.

"I do," Varian beamed.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife."

The two immediately kissed each other again, a warm happiness exploding in their hearts. This was love. This was their fate. This was their destiny. How ironic it was that life had a way of making it happen. They lived in two different counties, had different goals and wishes, but here they were together, and with the same dream.

"Varian," Cassandra whispered.


"You're my dream."

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