n i n e | dubious

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The warm rays of sunlight pierced through the the window's of Johnny's coffee shop. He was doing the usual at that early morning; checking the supplies and the machines. Making sure they were stocked and working. He took off his coat and replaced it with an apron, and decided to sweep the floors for a bit.

Just when he grabbed the broom the bell rang. He sighed annoyingly, thinking it was the duo. " How many times do I have to remind you two about going here before it's open? You're gonna dirty the place!- "

As Johnny turned around his mood went from annoyed to shocked. Standing there wasn't the annoying bounty hunting duo, but instead was a complete stranger. He was almost as tall as Johnny and was wearing all black. He had a bandana wrapped around his head making some of his brown hair get pulled back.

The boy played with one of the chains dangling around his neck before awkwardly asking,

" Uh, so when do you open then? "

A few minutes later the bell rang again. I arrived at the coffee shop with my hand on the door for support while my chest went up and down as I took rapid breaths. I rushed there immediately, the curiosity couldn't wait.

There I saw Johnny at the counter. He looked up from his phone once he heard the door open. " You're here! " For a split second brows knotted in confusion, " Where's Java? "

I looked up at him, " What? Oh. He's kinda busy so it's just me for now. "

It was true. Nowadays, Jaemin didn't really contact me, left school as soon as the bell rang, and sometimes didn't even show up at all. At first I was upset, but I knew he wouldn't have done that without a reason.

" Ahh. " Johnny nodded in understanding when another voice interrupted us.

" So, are we just going to pretend I don't exist or- "

My eyes tore away from Johnny to the stranger. He was sitting on a chair, rolling up his sleeves with a half finished cup of iced coffee on the table. I carefully made my way over and sat in front of him. The stranger was intimidating no doubt, but not as much as Taeyong. I observed him and noticed his handsome features. He ran his hand through his hair and I almost got distracted by the beautiful tattoos he had strewn on his arm before I snapped out of it.

" Why are you here, mister stranger? "

It seemed like I might have said the wrong thing. Right after I said that the stranger gasped in offense and crossed his arms in disbelief. " Do I look like a fuckin' grandpa? And this stranger has a name! "

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