Chapter 10

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On Vulcan, the mood of Janeway and the others darkened, as news that Shelby's fleet was departing for Fenris became known. They had obviously known this was coming, but like most other things, the actual even made everyone more jumpy.

"According to the information Admiral Patterson was able to send us", Janeway told her former crew, "Admiral Shelby's rear echelon of two Galaxy Class, and two Sovereign Class ships will pass us in approximately five days. We have to wait until they clear for us to move toward Earth."

"Five days", Seven said, almost to herself. The reality of the reckoning that lay ahead for her had made Seven as quite as anyone could remember. Everything that was happening right now, was because of her foolishness. Not in dispatching Bjayzl-she had deserved it. No, it was because of the others killed on Freecloud, at the Cardassian prison, and the Ferengi trading post. She alone had put this in motion.

Everyone gave her a wide berth for the moment, letting her process her thoughts.

"We will, as planned", Tuvok continued the conference, "leave Vulcan twelve Earth hours apart. The Phantom will pass by Earth, and circle back once it reaches Terra Nova. The Icheb I, with Tom, B'Elanna, and The Doctor, will approach Earth via the Tellerite Sector, swinging around the far side of Tyrellia. With our ships positioned in this way, we can easily scan the areas of the Muratas, Tellerite, Vulcan, and Terran Sectors that are within easy reach of Earth."

"The Phantom is the lead ship", Janeway continued. "I will adjust Seven's cortical node once we reach the Terran Sector. Unless Seven picks up something this side of Terra Nova, I will follow that route back to Earth. Our two ships will be within approximately ten hours of each other at all times. If Seven is able to locate an XB concentration, we approach it together, not one at a time. This gives us the best chance of success."

"If it is necessary", Tuvok added, "Admiral Jellico has advised us that we will have backup: at least on Galaxy or Sovereign Class ship, which can be dispatched rapidly. There will be a contingent of Starfleet Special Operations forces ready to assist us."

"Wow", B'Elanna said, about as impressed as she could remember. It took a lot to impress perhaps the best Engineer in the galaxy. "Simply one of those ships has a lot of firepower to help us. This thing is real, isn't it?"

"It is, B'Elanna", Janeway said seriously. "As real as it gets. Admiral Jellico has advised us that, currently, there are twenty-three ships of different sizes and classes that have been moved into or near the Terran Sector if they are needed."

"What defines 'needed', may I ask", The Doctor said pointedly. "I would assume there is a litmus test for that."

"There is, Doctor", Tuvok responded. "If a war with Fenris would occur, and spread beyond the appreciable area of Fenris, they could be called to action. If we are successful, and Seven finds a large concentration of former drones, in what looks to be a Federation facility, they could be summoned to protect our operation. They would, in essence, be like an ancient picket line from wars in the past-giving us warning if Necheyav is sending ships to interdict us."

"What about Picard and the La Sirena?" Tom hadn't forgotten about the legendary Admiral and his crazy band of misfits.

"The La Sirena will be used to augment our opposition force, if needed. As Admiral Jellico stated at our meeting a while back, Captain Rios will be given a "provisional" rank of Captain, and he will have loyal Starfleet personnel added to his ship. As for Picard", Tuvok finished, "he will be on Earth. What he will be doing has not been made known to us."

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