Chapter 3

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Three Weeks Later, The Yadalla Sector

By the time the meeting of the minds took place just under a month later, Covis III had been occupied by Federation forces on the ground, and were being circled by no less than four Starfleet Galaxy Class vessels, to ward off anyone with any ideas.

Admiral Edward Jellico had carefully chosen an old, abandoned Federation staging area between Tarsus VI and Mintaka III, that had been used to study the pre-warp civilization on the latter some years ago by Jean-Luc Picard and the Enterprise-D. The concerned parties all agreed it was an excellent location to hold a clandestine meeting.

Jellico had called the meeting, and would chair it. The information about the occupation of Covis III wasn't the only bombshell he would drop.

Present were Jellico, Janeway, Seven, Tom, B'Elanna, Tuvok, Qochur, and The Doctor. Jellico had heard rumors about someone else showing up, but it hadn't been confirmed. They would be on the outpost for four days, and surprises could happen.

Out of deference, Admiral Jellico approached Kathryn Janeway first. "Admiral Janeway", he said with a smile that, when he wanted to use it, was quite charming. "It is my honor to finally meet you."

"Admiral Jellico", Kathryn said kindly, "Will told me that you would keep me on my toes. It's a pleasure to meet you as well."

Jellico actually laughed at the ribbing. He hand Will had come to terms years ago. "Yes, well, that sounds like Will Riker. He sends you his regards."

Next he turned to Seven of Nine. "Hello, Seven, Admiral Edward Jellico, at your service." He shook her hand with a clear firmness, but, Seven also noted, with a a genuine smile on his face.

"Admiral, I thank you for all the work you have done on my behalf." She had firmly grasped his hand as well. "I know it is not entirely for my benefit, but for that of a peaceful Federation, but you have my gratitude."

"We still have a long way to go, Seven", Jellico reminded her, "but I'm hoping that we can avoid any more bloodshed."

After the formalities were out of the way, they retired to what had been the operations center that The Federation had once had on the small planet, that was within sight of Mintaka III. They immediately began the serious business ahead of them.

"I know that Commander Tuvok is aware of this", Jellico began, using formal titles when he could, "but I doubt the rest of you are aware of this: The Federation has occupied Covis III with ground troops and four or five ships patrolling around it."

That elicited a small gasp from Tom and B'Elanna. It had been their home for years. Chances are, they might never go back. Jellico glanced over at the couple.

"I understand you were friends with a Lars Rolfson, who worked with you?"

"Yes, sir", Tom said, knowing what was probably coming next. "A damn fine engineer, and a fantastic pilot. You don't find many who can do both as well as he can."

"Apparently a special forces team got a hold of him, and he, along with about fifteen others, were blown up along with the ship production facility there. Shortly after that, the ground troops, along with five Galaxy-Class ships showed up."

"Khaless", B'Elanna breathed. "I wonder if they found out that he worked with us, Tom?"

Jellico answered. "Unknown, but it's a good bet they did. Owen's heard nothing, and been asked nothing, at least yet. Secondly, Necheyav has recalled the Intrepid fleet, and has been conferring with Shelby."

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