Chapter 7

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The La Sirena made it safely to Vulcan, which meant that quite an astounding array of talent was present on Tuvok's home world. He had even mentioned to T'Pel that rarely had he been in the presence of so many great people, high praise from a Vulcan.

Picard joined the growing sentiment, as he, Will, Janeway, and Tuvok discussed the matter, while the others were enjoying a leisurely day together.

"That still leaves us with the dilemma of confirming any of this", Picard said evenly. "What are the chances that this is him. How do we find out. But I agree, we should run down leads on this-but we can't forget that this might have to take a back seat once Shelby starts moving toward Fenris."

"We've got a little time, insofar as that goes", Will assured him. "They're slated to shove off in about nine days."

"I suppose it can't hurt to show this to my crew, can it?"

Janeway shook her head. "Why not? It's not like any of us Brass know who this guy is? Maybe they know something."

"I'm impressed with the ships, and the list of Captains that Jellico has been able to persuade to work with us. From what I see, there's a lot of great ships, and even better people to come to our assistance."

"He hasn't told us", Riker added, "but I suspect Ed is wanting to be the C-in-C of the task force, if it's needed. I have no problem with that, unless anyone else objects."

"He's active Starfleet", Janeway noted. "Patterson might out-rank him, but Mike hasn't held down the bridge of a ship in a long time. Jellico is a lot more seasoned in that regard."

"Agreed, and I'm too old to rejoin and take the heat", Picard said wryly, making the two humans chuckle.

"I must agree with the Admiral", Tuvok said, nodding at Picard, "this is an impressive list of ships and Captains. I assume Admiral Jellico is working to enlarge this list?"

Riker nodded. "He is, Mr. Tuvok. I'm sure we'll have quite a few more ships after things start shaking out."

They discussed a few other subjects, and Tuvok persuaded Picard to have his crew remain for dinner before departing.

The dinner was quite lively, everyone taking time to relax, laugh, and enjoy a great meal and good conversation. Even Tuvok and T'Pel were relaxed and seemed to enjoy the get-together.

They all knew that the time for such merriment would not last much longer.

After the dinner, the crews of the La Sirena and the Phantom prepared to depart. Picard had not decided where he wanted to take Rios' ship, while Kathryn and Seven would return Will and Deanna to New Sausilito, where the couple would then hitch a ride back to Earth, the Phantom then returning to Vulcan afterward.

First thing he did after the festivities was to show the video and still images of the mystery man to his crew.

"He looks like any ordinary guy", Agnes Jurati said, unimpressed, "but then again, I guess I shouldn't expect anything else."

"JL", Raffi added, "come on, what are the chances that this guy, in that photo, could be the one guy we're looking for? I'm not saying there's no chance, but..."

"I'm sure if he were still around, Mr. Data would tell me the exact odds", Picard said with a sad smile, still remembering his last moments with Data. "And I agree, Raffi, but Will's right, not any one gets that close to Necheyav, even during a public gathering."

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