Chapter 5

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Owen Paris and Mike Patterson had been working twelve-to-fourteen hour days, trying to sync the rotation for The Fleet that would put them in the best position, once Necheyav, as was expected, sent out a new task force toward Fenris. Moving a fleet around was an art form, and Patterson had been at it for years. Owen was back-stopping his work, but Paris felt he was more window dressing for this part of their work. It was tedious work as well, especially when they were held hostage on when Necheyav would move her fleet. They both knew it wouldn't be long, but the uncertain timing made it more difficult for them.

"We've already got Sam Lavalle's ship, the Sadat, the Capetown, under Captain Nog, and Mike Ayala and the Smolensk in the area for at least the next month, which would be more than enough time." Patterson was pretty much talking out loud to himself at the moment. "Nicoletti's ship arrives back in a week."

"She's taking over the Grant when she gets back, right?" Owen was double-checking his own PADD as well. He was referring to the U.S.S Ulysses S. Grant, an Intrepid Class that was just coming out of refit, and would be on station for "proving runs" in the Terran Sector for the foreseeable future.

"Affirm, Owen", Patterson said evenly. "She's gonna have at least a few days to shake the ship out. I also know that LaForge and the Zhukov will be back to rotate some crew in about ten days."

Paris nodded with some satisfaction. "That's a good beginning. If Necheyav gives us just a little more time, Mike, we can get or twenty-plus ships in the area within two weeks."

"It's about a six-day sail from Earth to Fenris at normal speed. Plus I don't think Shelby is going to go in balls-to-the-wall and begin a war the moment she's in range. Either way, we do have some time."

"I hope Captain T'revva gets us some info on approximately that fleet will sail. That would make our job easier."

"The only person that Alynna worries about making the job easier for is Alynna", Patterson said, tongue firmly planted in his cheek.

Paris snickered. "I'm surprised she doesn't make things difficult even for herself, Mike, she's such a tightwad bitch."

"Now Owen", Patterson said with more sarcasm, "how dare you talk about our esteemed C-in-C that way!"

Paris rolled his eyes and snickered again. "Then you wake up, Mike. Do you mind if I get us some lunch, maybe something delivered here?"

"How about from that Vietnamese place near the Federation Legal office?"

Paris' eyes lit up. "Yeah, that's a great place. They can have something delivered within forty-five minutes. That'll hit the spot."

"That'll rub the spot out, I bet."

Paris laughed. "Old man, you're in a mood today. What's gotten into you?"

"I don't know, Owen", he said honestly. "I'm just feeling a little more confident about all of this. I don't know why."

"If one of us starts feeling good about this", Paris said, ribbing his friend, "then we're in deep shit."

Patterson gave him a mock glare. "Go get lunch, before I throw you out of here, Owen?"

Paris laughed, flipping his friend a neat middle-finger salute.

Admiral Alynna Necheyav had taken her time in setting the next step in trying to find Seven of Nine, and in protecting her long-term interests in The Federation in re-branding in her image. A few extra days wouldn't hurt anything.

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