chapter 7

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I wake up from that horrible dream i felt very weak but i realize it was probly because i havnt eaten in awhile  i also see that kili is flirting whith that female whats her name oh i remember taruiel, i remember from awhile ago  kili said "arn't you gonna shearch me, i could have anything down my trouser"  "or nothing" taruiel comes back with, i can already tell i like her  and is perfect for kili , i also think that that the wee blond las (legolas) may be jealous after they talk for awhile  i felt an arua of anger then i look to the other side of the room to see legolas , man dose he not look happy, " come here wrench i want to see the weak look on your face while you scoff your mouth with bread " i get up but my legs have a didnt idea so i was holding the wall and tried to walk over when sunndenly it a became darkness

*swiching piont of view to legolas*

I see the sorry excuse for an elf faint and i felt somthing was it simpathy or was it pity for this women ? What ever it is it felt werid,  i unlocked the cell door and whent in to check her pulse but when i touch her skin she was freezing and had a very weak pulse, i pick her up bridal style and carrie her out, when i did this i hear what our other prisnioner have to say about this; "is that diara" "is she ok" "what happen to her" "i do hope the poor lass is alright cause if she isnt it will be your funeral" "what did you do to our sister!" and the leader (thorin) snapped" if my niece dies i will send you to meet your own ansesors boy. and tis not a threat but a promise"all i could think is how much thease dwarfs care about her and then that werid feeling in the pit of my stomach came back was it guilt since this is probly my fault this happen to her. I get to one of the guards and tell him to alert the healer to come to my chambers i am in need  of her presence

*legolas's bedroom*

I wait out side of my chambers to see what our healer has to say when she comes out i have a million question but before i get to ask any thing, the healer slaps me i ask what that was for then see tells me "that was for all the pain you have inflicting on this girl , like staving her and throwing her into the coldest cell we have" "first i threw her in that cell because i thought she could learn her lesson on not trying to run away after you have been caught and second i stavre her because she threw her plate at me"  "well i hope she did on acount to what i found on her body" "what did you find" "scares on her breast and the other womenly part." She stop for a moment then proceeded " they were no ordinary scares. No. the scarces were made by orcs, and you know what that means your highness " it suddenly hit me, it made so much sence now , why she hurt the guard who was searching her and why she threw that plate at me, it was because she was afaird of getting lock up agian or worse "rape" I said the lasts part out loud knowing that was the answer "I am soo stupid how could I've have miss that, " "yes and the worse part is will she forgive you for what you have done" "I do not know how to even ask for her forgivness" " I do have an idea how you can ask for forgivness" "how" "easy, just be nice, you know like bring her some fresh cloths and maybe learn her name and who knows, maybe you'll earn another ally or even more" after the healer said that she left, I open the door to my chambers and the sean took my breath away, she look so calm , I got a better look at her and relize she is quite actractive even though there was spider webs in her hair and dirt on her face it didn't lessen the beauty, she looked so inocent like she hasn't seen any horror in the world then I looked at her hands her hands look so delicate like if you held them too tight they would bruise, I looked over to the side and relize her cloths were gone 'the healer must have tooken them to get wash, wait a minute, if she wakes up and sees she is nude and a person of the oppisite sex is looking at her, she would probley freak out!', I was about to go get something to cover her at least until the door opens to reveal my father "Ada." I said in a hushed voice "what are you doing here" my farther then reply in his oh so noble tone " I hear from the healer that there was a she-elf who had been taken as a prisioner, was now in your chambers uncousius with no cloths to cover her body" I knew where this is going " Ada before you go any farther I did not seduce the lady, she simply fainted while she was in her cell and I had brung her up here so she could warm up for her skin was as frozen as ice" my father arched his eyebrow " that dose not explian why she has no cloths on" "the healer took her cloths off for reasons I don't know" "well I have some cloths for her to wear, they use to belong to your mother" I look down to see a dark green dress that my mother favored the most, I remember when my mother wore that dress , I also remembered how much I love it on her she look so eligant and beautiful in it  but why had he choose that dress he knew that was mine and mothers favorite dress "Ada I thought you you'd never let anyone use that dress"  

"i have reason that I do not need to explian , but lets just say I have some suspions about this girl, and I want to prove if thease suspions are ture or false my self, now can I see her" I let him come into my chambers to see her ......... 

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