Oneshot - Serious

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"Oh woman you make me feel, like I'm on fire."

October, 1987

An icy breeze tickled my nose as we strolled through the neatly cut grass. My head held high so I could catch a glimpse of the Eiffel tower in the distance, I clung to John's arm for warmth. His arm wrapped protectively around my waist as I rested my head affectionately on his shoulder. We walked in silence for about thirty minutes, absorbing the crisp autumn air, taking in the beauty of our surroundings. I felt internally at peace, looking up every now and then to catch a glimpse of John's stunning profile. I sighed, my shivering exhalation forming a cloud in front of my face. We slowed to a halt as we reached a familiar large and weathered Norway maple tree. I took a dried leaf in my hand, my fingers tracing the spine of the vermillion frond. Everyday for the past week that we'd spent in Paris, we had walked all the way from our hotel to this very tree, the leaves turning redder and dryer with each passing sunset. 

We took a seat under the tree, the grass still a little damp with the memories of rainfall from a few days before, but we didn't mind. John's arm went from being wrapped around my waist to being draped over my shoulder as he pulled me closer. I felt his chest expand and vibrate as he drew in a deep breath.

"It's a lovely day today." John said, admiring the cerulean sky. I noticed a slight quaver in his deep, English tone. Perhaps something was bothering him. Come to think of it, he'd barely spoken a word at all today.

"Is everything alright, Johnny?" I asked, making him turn his head to face mine. He said nothing, but instead, reached forward, his fingers tracing a delicate path along my jawline. I leaned forward, grasping the lapels of his coat to pull him closer, so our chest touched. An amorous gaze set in our eyes as he held my chin, drawing my lips to his. 

"I've never been better." He whispered into my ear, placing a gentle kiss on my neck, his hot breath sending goosebumps erupting on my skin. I cupped his face, my thumb stroking his cheek, as I brought our foreheads together, noses touching. A mellow smile couldn't help but creep across our faces as we gazed into each other's eyes under the maple tree. I reached forward, my fingers gliding through his dark hair. 

"I love you, John. You know that, don't you?" I sighed, resting my head in his chest and taking his calloused hands in mine. Surprise washed over me as I felt a certain unnatural coldness in the palm of John's hand. A hard shape dug into my palm. I pulled away from John for a moment and my jaw dropped. I traced my finger around the glimmering silver circle, until my index finger stumbled upon a glittering diamond. No words needed to be said. The look in John's eyes said it all. I leapt forward, tears stinging my eyes, as I threw my arms around John's neck, pushing him up against the trunk of the tree.

Our lips collided with overwhelming passion and warmth as affection and contentment bubbled inside me. In the midst of it all, the ring tumbled into the grass. A small giggle escaped from my lips but I couldn't stop smothering John with my affection, all I ever wanted was him. 

"Hold on a second." He chuckled, his fingers searching through the blades of grass for the ring. 

"You can't be my wife without this." I will never forget the look on John's face when I slid my finger through the ring. It was priceless. 

"I want you to know how much I care about you, how much I love you." He took my hand and brought it to his lips, planting a series of fluttery kisses along my knuckle. 

"Oh, John." I sighed, pulling him in for a tight embrace. Never had I felt so happy in my entire life. We sat in complete silence for a while under the tree, our arms still wrapped tightly around each other as we absorbed the happiness and affection emanating from one another. John took my hand, our fingers interlacing, and helped me up off the ground. I dusted off the dirt on my legs and turned to him, placing a light peck on his lips.

"Come on, y/n. We'll go home now." And with that, we made our way back to the hotel, my left hand feeling a bit heavier but my heart feeling infinitely lighter...

JOHN TAYLOR - Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now