Oneshot - Save a Prayer

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^^ omg am i the only one that loves this pic? - jt's skinny legs and segc toes, am i right? ^^

"Feel the breeze deep on the inside look you down into the well, if you can you'll see the world in all his fire."

September, 1985

"Will you call me tomorrow?" I sighed, my eyes glazed over as my arms made their way to John's shoulders. He brought his hand to my chin, when I was thrust into a trance as I gazed longingly into his rich eyes.

"Of course." He murmured warmly, leaning in to plant a soft kiss on my lips. I felt myself kissing back as butterflies fluttered excitedly in my stomach. I had been infatuated with John for quite some time, but never had I thought that our first kiss would be so electric. 

"Goodnight John." I whispered into his ear, my lips brushing past his neck. He took my hands in his and looked into my gawking eyes once more.

"I had a really good time tonight. Have a good night." He slowly leaned forward, his hot breath dancing on my neck. I shuddered, still overwhelmed by the newfound sensation of John's soft lips. And just as I felt his lips press against my cheek in a soft peck, I felt them drag away, his fingers slipping out of mine. As he sauntered down the steps, my eyes were glued to his body, as he appeared to move in slow motion as he edged further and further away from me. Opening the door to his car, he turned round and shot me a wave. I felt my trembling arm rise up and wave back, I sighed. 

I turned round and made my way into my house, sighing madly as I shuffled into my bedroom. I collapsed onto my bed in a fit of lovesick giggles. I rolled over burying my face in my pillow to hide the heat rising in my face. I bit my lip, eyes closed, trying my best to recall every minuscule detail of the past events - the way John cradled my chin, leaned in so close that I could feel his breath and his nose brushing past mine, his petal soft lips... This was all too much for me to handle.

The next day, I had no work on so I decided to lie around in my pyjamas and give my apartment a half-hearted tidy. All I could think about was last night, every frame racing through my head at one million miles an hour. I was being so childish, I thought, becoming so smitten with someone the way you would at high school. I would pace in and out of my room all day, waiting for my phone to ring, but after midday, I still had not heard a word from John. He said he would call me, I thought to myself worriedly. I tried my best to shake off the antsy sensation, but to no avail. I glanced at the clock. It was 4pm already and John still hadn't called!

I was now beginning to feel completely and utterly miserable, so I gloomily shuffled into the kitchen to fix myself up with some food. That is, until I heard a subtle ringing in the distance. My eyes lit up as I raced towards my bedroom, almost tumbling over. Just before the phone reached its last ring, I triumphantly scooped up the phone.

"Hello? y/n speaking." I called out breathlessly, pleading inside for a reply.

"Hey y/n, it's John." I squealed internally as I heard his voice through the other end.

"Sorry I didn't call you earlier, I was just running a few errands." Phew, I said internally, so, he didn't forget about me.

"So uh," He grunted under his breath, "A new episode of Dynasty comes out tonight. I was uh, just wondering if you wanted to pop over for a bit." My heart quivered at the proposition.

"Sure!" I said, trying to sound as laid back as possible in the attempt to hide my extreme excitement.

It wasn't hard for me to catch the bus down to John's house - I had been there so many times before - when we were friends that is, just friends. But I was certain that when John had kissed me last night that he meant something more than just friends - or at least I hoped. I lightly knocked on the door and it swung open.

"Hey!" John cheered enthusiastically, beckoning me inside. 

"I brought this!" I winked as I handed John the tub of Häagen-Dazs chocolate chip ice cream. He accepted it gratefully and planted a light kiss on my cheek, not realising the massive effect his lips had on me.

"y/n, you are a legend." He said through a smile as he placed the ice cream in the freezer.

"We'll have that later", he muttered. Silently, I crept up to the freezer, where John was about to walk away from. I slipped my arms around his waist, pulling him in for a tight embrace as I rested my head on his back, making him jump in surprise. 

"There you are." He let out a warm, husky chuckle, before shaking me off and making his way to the microwave. 

"Aww." I sighed with puppy dog eyes.

"Calm down, I'm just fixing us up with some popcorn, love." He said through a smile as he placed the bag in the microwave. He pressed the button and then swiftly whipped his head round to face me. I gasped in surprise and amusement as he swept in and lifted me up, carrying me into the living room and depositing me onto the couch, making me collapse in fit of giggles. John propped himself up against the couch then reached for the remote, switching the television onto Dynasty. I sat tensely at the other end of the couch, my arms wrapped around my knees for comfort.

"Come here you." John said playfully, beckoning me over with his finger. Our eyes locked as he raised a sexy eyebrow. Smiling, I crawled over to John as he took me in his arms. I placed a hand on his shoulder and rested my head against his chest. His fingers naturally slipped into mine as we rested in the comfortable position. I felt John's lips lightly press against my forehead affectionately, coaxing a smile out of me. But I needed more. I abruptly jumped out of John's arms and turned round so we were facing each other. We gazed deeply into each other's eyes before I leaned forward, my hand tugging at the collar of his t-shirt, pulling his fast beating chest against mine, the other gliding through his thick dark hair. Our lips met passionately as John's hands ventured down to my back. I placed an affectionate kiss on his exposed collar bone. 

"John," I shuddered as he tugged at my hair, exposing my neck. He leaned in, planting a series of kisses on my skin, making me moan with approval. I moved to his shirt where I hastily undid the buttons. John began to tug at the ends of his shirt when the microwave went off with a DING! I sighed in disappointment as he pulled away from me and shuffled into the kitchen. He reentered the living room with a bowl of popcorn and a very wound-up girlfriend on the couch.

"Popcorn's ready." John said cheekily, shooting me a mischievous grin before sauntering over to hand me the popcorn. He took a piece of popcorn and pressed it against my lips. I gladly accepted, his fingers venturing into my mouth. This is weirdly hot, I thought to myself. 

"Forget the popcorn," I said, licking the salt from my lips. I crawled forward, draping my arms around John's neck, leaning in so that my lips brushed against his. 

"Wait a second," John said, pulling away. He hopped off the couch and searched the floor for the TV remote, before switching off the show. Don't want any distractions, he cheekily thought to himself. 

"Now," he started, swinging his arms around my waist, forcefully pulling his hips against mine, "where were we?"

JOHN TAYLOR - Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now