Oneshot - Early Summer Nerves

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*and like just sayin' i get that xreaders are supposed to be in second person, and that i write in first but still choose to use y/n, that's just cuz i can't be bothered to use real names lol*

"What were the chances for me, when I spoke to her last night, what were the chances I'd be, here lying by her side."

June, 1984

I woke to find myself buried in John's chest, his arms draped around my waist. I blinked a few times in the attempt to clear my vision. Slowly my surroundings came into focus. After planting a gentle kiss on his chest, I reluctantly lifted my head up. Shards of scintillating rays of sunshine glimmered through the window, causing me to wince at the brightness. It must've been relatively early in the morning, seven or eight maybe, I guessed as I peered out the window. The sky was painted in a wash of cobalt blue as the slender figures of birds fluttered in the distance. The curtains quivered as the mutterings of a typical summer morning rode on the tepid breeze. 

My head collapsed onto the pillow so my face was level with John's. I admired his features as he slept soundly, delicately tracing my finger along his jawline, hoping that he wouldn't wake. Brushing a few strands of blonde-tipped hair from his eyes, I could've sworn I saw his lips curl into a small smile. I leant forward to kiss his forehead as I cupped his cheek. As I slowly pulled away, I saw his soft brown eyes flutter open. I sighed, a little exasperated at myself that I had woken John. He didn't say anything for a few moments, but instead, peered into the depths of my eyes, smiling warmly back at me. His hand reached forward for my face, pulling me closer so that our foreheads touched. I felt the heat of his breath tickle my face.

Our lips slowly brushed past each other in an almost-kiss, just enough to leave me wanting more. I leaned in closer, wrapping my arms around John's neck as our lips collided. I reluctantly pulled away to catch my breath.

"Morning, darling," John whispered, planting a gentle kiss on my cheek. I shuddered in delight as he proceeded to place a succession of kisses along my neck, then my back. 

"Did you sleep well?" John mumbled in between kisses. I turned round so that I was facing John once again, leaning in close to peck his lips.

"I think you know the answer to that question." I giggled before John proceeded to wrap his arms around my waist and hoist me closer to him. As I rested in his arms, I observed the steady rise and fall of his chest as he drew in deep breaths. I sighed breathlessly as he continued to plant gentle pecks on my back.

But then, something changed, like someone had flicked a switch inside John's body, or struck a match maybe. His kisses became hotter, wetter, more forceful, as he moved back up to my neck. My fingers glided through his hair as John kissed at my chest, making me sigh with approval. Pulling his neck, I brought John up to meet my face, where our lips collided once again, pushing my back up against the headboard. I groaned as I felt the weight shifting, his hips pinning me down. My fingers traced a pattern on his chest as I pulled away for a breath.

"It's a bit early in the morning, don't you think?" I chuckled as John shot me a smirk.

"It's never too early." He whispered, no, growled, seductively into my ear, aggressively nipping at my earlobe. Inclining towards me, John's hand slipped behind my back where his nimble fingers met the clasp of my bra. I sucked wantonly at his collarbones as he removed the last of my clothing. Then, his desperate lips trailed to my chest, where he slowly caressed my collarbones before making his way lower. I hummed in approval, my fingers still combing through John's brown hair.

I trembled anxiously as John dragged his lips along my stomach, my chest, my neck, before finally meeting my lips once again, our tongues tugging at one another desperately. Small beads of sweat formed on my head as I became more and more yearning for John's touch, 

"Please, John." I begged. Our lips met one last time before John slowly slid into me, making me gasp. As his hips moved back and forth, he slowly began to pump into me, making me shiver with delight and desire, his hands roaming around my body. My fingers dug deep into his back as he picked up the pace, making me spasm in response. It wasn't long before the both of us were in an exhausted, sweaty heap on the bed, John's hand resting on my hip. Over and over again, I breathlessly mumbled John's name into his neck.

Combing his fingers through my hair, John placed a loving kiss on my cheek, which still managed to make my heart flutter, even after the recent events that had just taken place. I placed a finger on his chiselled chin before leaning in for a slow, heartfelt kiss. As we kissed, I couldn't help but smile into his lips, pouring in all the emotions that I had kept from John.

"Oh John, I need you to know how much I love you." I sighed, cupping his cheek. 

"Kiss me one more time and then we can talk."

JOHN TAYLOR - Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now