Oneshot - Night Boat

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"Stillness overcomes me in the night, listen to the rising water moan."

April, 1980

John slept soundly, the steady rise and fall of his chest in time with my heartbeat as his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I felt the heat of his soft skin in contact with mine. Wide awake, I glanced at the clock on the bedside table of John's bedroom. It was half-past midnight and I still had not caught a single wink. I sighed in exasperation as I brought my fingers to my temples in the attempt to sooth my insistent headache. 

John stirred in his sleep, sniffing, muttering under his breath. I wondered what he was saying. My hand ventured from my head to John's chest, my fingers caressing the soft skin beneath the duvet. I leaned in and planted a small kiss just below his ear, after brushing his red bangs out of his closed eyes. I drew in a deep breath as I buried my face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his intoxicating scent. I withdrew my lips from his neck, as I feared that I may wake him. I rolled over, easing John's hands from my waist in order to slip out of bed. My toes shuffled along the chilly wooden floor as I tiptoed into the bathroom. 

I tried my best to flush the toilet as quietly as I could and then slipped back into bed, hastily pulling the covers over my body. I felt two long arms resume their position around my waist, tugging tightly so that my back was now against John's chest, which seemed weird, seeing as though John was asleep. I almost jumped in surprise as I felt a moist softness caress the nape of my neck. Then slowly it pulled away.

"Can't sleep?" I felt a puff of hot air dance into my ear, teeth closing around the lobe, hands gliding up to my shoulders where they began to rhythmically massage my tense back.

"John." I sighed, turning round to face him.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" I asked, my hand reaching forward to cup his cheek.

"Yeah. But it's ok, I'm not tired." John said through a yawn. I giggled, leaning forward to place my lips on his nose. His lips brushed past mine hungrily as I pulled myself closer to John. My arms fell to his neck where I tugged at his red hair, pulling his lips onto mine. I sighed breathlessly through the shower of kisses John awarded me with, an approving moan escaping from my lips every now and then. Although we were in total darkness, I could feel John's exquisite features pressed against me; his soft lips, angular chin, delicate fingers gliding up my waist. 

"Perhaps." John began as he pulled away from my lips to my dismay.

"There is a way I can make you tired." He trailed off. I tentatively bit my lip then leaned forward into John's neck, where I sucked at his collarbone and nibbled hungrily at the flesh. I felt his hands roam around my waist, before they glided under my shirt to caress my breasts. I moaned with satisfaction, pulling away from his neck to I could unite with his soft, strong lips once again. I hastily pulled the tee over my head, tossing it over the side of the bed. John leaned forward, plunging into my chest, his tongue flicking over a stiff nipple. John slept naked, as he always did, so nothing was needed to be done for him except reach forward. I took his semi-hard cock in my hand as he shuddered into my lips.

I felt his thumbs hook around the sides of my panties, helping me shimmy out of them. I gasped as a finger plunged into me and caressed at my already throbbing button. 

"Fuck, y/n, you're so wet." I groaned in response as he continued to massage in between my legs. I placed a trembling hand on his shoulder for stability as he picked up the pace. 

"Come on, love." He growled into my ear, biting at the flesh on my neck. I cried out as a wave of pleasure washed over me as John withdrew his fingers. It was enough to make me moan watching him slowly drag his tongue over his fingers.

"You taste so good, y/n." John ventured forward, pressing against my shoulders as he pushed my head into the pillows, his hips settling on top. I could feel his growing hardness pressed into my thigh, which only made me wetter. After locking in a hot, wet, passionate kiss, I took his throbbing cock in my hands once again, guiding it to where I wanted it to be. With each strong thrust, I let out a sharp moan, my fingernails digging into John's back. He tossed his head back in pleasure as he quickened the pace, the bed frame groaning in response. As John's fingers roamed my chest, I knew it wasn't long before I was over the edge. 

"Are you close?" He shuddered. I nodded, staring deep into his brown eyes, pleading him to finish the job.

And then we collapsed in a fit of spasms, John landing beside me. I panted breathlessly as I rolled over to face him. Cupping his cheek, I pulled him in for a slow, heartfelt kiss.

"Tired yet?" He asked between pants. I smiled warmly before burying my face into his chest.

"Of you? Never."

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