Chapter 3

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The tall trees flew past my window as we drew closer and closer to Sherman. My mother and father were in a period of silence. It was kind of hard to talk about things for 8 hours, I guess.

I noticed that the trees had started to thin slightly. Looking up, I saw a white water tower that contrasted sharply with the brilliant blue sky. On it was printed the name of the billionth city we had passed through that day.

Wichita Falls: founded 1872

The town sure looked like it was that old. Cobblestone walkways soon replaced the asphalt of the highway and small shops lined the streets. I was mesmerized by a beautiful park that had a lake in the middle of it. The sun reflected off the deep blue water as a small child fed breadcrumbs to some ducks.

Simpler times...

My mind drifted off as I further observed the small but quaint city. It seemed like a nice place to live. My mother seemed to be thinking the same thing as she looked out her window with glazed-over eyes. It must have reminded her of the small towns she used to live in when she was little.

My father kept going straight, as per the gps' instructions and soon we were back on the smooth asphalt. He spotted a truck stop on the side of the busy highway and pulled over into its parking lot.

"Who's ready for lunch?", he asked, unlocking his door and climbing out of the car.

"Meeeee!", my brother, Julian, hollered, his stomach giving a loud growl.

My father went around to the back of the car and opened the trunk, pulling out our cooler. He brang it back inside the car and handed each of us our meals. He liked to get things done fast. Within two more minutes, we were pulling out of the parking lot and munching on our sandwiches.

As I ate my pumpernickel bread, I pondered the possibility of my making friends at this camp. I wanted to make connections and meet new people, but I knew it was a long shot. Most of the kids going there were probably super rich.

The camp had cost about $3,000, and the only reason I could afford to go was because I got massive financial aid.

The kids would probably have really interesting lives. What was I supposed to tell them? I had lived in El Paso my whole life and the furthest I'd gone was Florida. I didn't have any hobbies besides listening to music, and most of the music I listened to, no one knew about. I sighed. Making friends was probably going to be the hardest thing I would have to do at this camp.

I huffed as I pulled my suitcase out of the trunk of our car. We had finally arrived to Sherman. I yanked up the handle to the massive, overstuffed bag and towed it through the doors of our hotel.
In a way, Sherman was exactly how I'd expected it to be. A small, country-esque town that was full of trees. It wasn't quite as small or as old-fashioned as Wichita Falls, but it still had that country charm that I loved. I walked over to my mother, who was talking to the desk clerk.

"Yes, we did book a non-smoking room", my mother said politely.

I could tell it was taking everything in her not to jump out of her skin from excitement. She seemed even more excited than I was for this camp. The nerves quickly built in my stomach as I realized that, by that time the next day, I would be alone, with my parents already miles away. The thought was very frightening. I couldn't wrap my head around the idea that I'd be completely on my own.

Ugh, Madelyn, just stop overthinking everything.

I snapped out of my philosophical state and watched the lady behind the desk hand my mother the keys to our room, her perfectly manicured nails shining in the light.

"We hope you enjoy your stay", she said with a very fake smile.

My mom called over the rest of our gang that were unloading luggage out of the car. I'd insisted that we should have left it in the trunk, but my dad wouldn't have it.

"Hotel parking lots are the best places for burglary. I ain't leaving any suitcases in my car", he said stubbornly.

So, with all of our bags, we huffed down the hallway and into the elevator. By the time we got to the room, I felt like my arms were going to fall off. I collapsed onto one of the comfy hotel beds and sighed.

"Okay, we don't need to unpack anything, so let's just put those suitcases over there...oh wait, Madelyn, get your outfit for tomorrow ready...and make sure that you have all your toiletries packed tomorrow..", my mother rambled on for about 10 minutes.

After half an hour of getting settled in, we all agreed some swimming would do us good. We changed into our swimsuits and I pulled on an old t shirt and shorts before putting on my sunglasses and following the rest of my family down to the pool.

Swimming was always something I enjoyed doing. It seemed that my whole family were built to be swimmers. I jumped into the pool and felt the cool water surround me and loosen my muscles. Gliding through the icy liquid, I darted to the edge where I'd just jumped in. I didn't see much about water activities on the packet that Duke had sent me, but I was hoping they'd have a pool I could use.

I spent the next two hours playing pool games with my family. Finally, my mom took my little brother and sister up to the room for some showers. My dad and I stayed behind, leaning on the edge of the pool.

The sun was starting to sink, turning the pool into a tub of orange juice. I could feel my father's gaze on me. I knew what was coming.

"I'm so proud of you, Maddie. I can't believe that you've accomplished something this great", he said in a soft voice.

I smiled, "Thanks, dad. I'm really glad I'm getting the opportunity to go."

I wasn't sure about the last part.

"Are you nervous?"

"To be honest? I'm really terrified."


"The kids are probably going to be so interesting and outgoing...and then there's me. I'm not anything special at all."

"Are you kidding me? You're the most interesting, smart, funny, amazing kid I've ever met."

I sighed. "Sure. Well, we'll see how it goes."

He pulled me into a hug, pool water dripping down onto my head from his chin.

"Are you scared?", I asked, looking up at him.

"Nope. Not one bit. Hun, I know you're gonna do just fine."

I smiled as we walked out of the pool area and back into the hotel. Maybe going to this camp wasn't going to be such a bad idea, after all.


-Madelyn: Maia Mitchell
-Noah: Thomas Sangster ( <3 )
-Mom: Jennifer Antiston
-Dad: Brad Pitt
-Gemma: Gemma Styles
-Abby: Lucy Hale



Twitter: @oasisstylesx

Instagram: @dyan.raylene

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-Dyan .x

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