saraswati pujawooooo I'm here again to do some crazyness...
Nobody is reading my gibberish, right?
*look up and see around*
nahhh, thank God.
this year saraswati puja falls on two days.
yesterday & today.
but, neither I wear saree on any of the days nor I hang out.
WHAT A SHAAAAMEEEE!!!!!But, sadly, this is me...
indescribaly lazy...
is it a word even?well, don't know.
and yes, though my test is banging on the door, I'm not studying a wink.
Nahh, it's not for the stupid ritual that you can't study on saraswati puja. I just don't feel like all..
and for your information, I had studied on my past on saraswati puja one time.
what to say , what to say?
oh yeahhhh,
I'm actually here to share some quotes but it swiches to saraswati puja.
well, no prob, it is coming onthe next chap♥♥♥
The Spring has come { my e-diary }
No Ficciónthough it is not the spring but there is a spring in my heart... and this title of this article is a pure translation of a latest bengali song called 'Bashanta eshe gechhe...' I don't know why I'm writting this article...but while listening the said...